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  • I'm sure there will still be a lot of people who won't be able to get the cards and will have to buy them off of people!
    I doubt it XD The way people are searching for em, I haven't been able to get into a single spot in the places where it seems like they're selling them at a sensible price. The other places are charging absurd amounts.
    UK version of these cards are supposed to come out in late Nov. though I think. Maybe with more people having them, prices will drop considerably.
    I'm sure you'd get a TON of people that way. You could charge for people visiting your RV or buy the items yourself and sell them that way since I know some people don't usually have enough Meow coupons to buy everything (it's 3 to buy from your own camp but 5 to buy from someone else's). Those items are actually what I'm saving tbt for haha xD If you do decide to sell the items let me know, I'd rather give my tbt to a fellow Canelle than a complete stranger! :rolleyes:
    I feel like everyone is freaking out about Sanrio/amiibo figure items and so most other stuff is being ignored. I think once the dust settles, people should go back to looking for other stuff, like art/flowers, etc. Don't give up if you don't get people quickly!
    Ah ok! Well if you need anything anyway, let me know :D I wish you the best with your shop too~ I'm saving up for some items, so I can't buy your art right now, but later on, I'd love to get something from you! I'll pop by when I can.
    Hi! I just wanted to pop by because we have the same name! Sort of xD I hadn't seen anyone else with the name Canelle, so I thought that was cool. It's not my real name, just my mayor's name. Anyway!
    omg im sorry i just realized i have the wrong friend code on my profile. i updated so go add that one instead. sorry ><
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