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  • They do sound yummy but I've never tried one. I didn't want to take food from my fur babies. Yes, I know I'm a dork. Aww, thank you! You're so sweet! Um... yeah, I don't think rats & cats would be too good of an idea. My visitor just left. I'm free to come by whenever you're ready. Thanks again!
    Yep, cookies for rats. They're made with wheat flour, apple juice, peanut butter and a vitamin that helps rats live longer. That actually works out well. I have someone who needs to come by my town real quick to gran something. Thank you!
    Hi! That's so nice of you! I'm sorry I didn't reply sooner. I had hopped off to bake cookies for our rats. If you're still free I could come by now. If not I'm happy to wait. Thanks so much!
    If you ever need signatures or anything quickly, VM and I'll open any of my towns to you <3
    I think I read that if you lay down paths it kills the grass faster. I know there are also QR codes for natural paths. That seems like a lot of work! I think it will be pretty too. Well, I've never worked on natural paths on purpose but I had created some just out of walking the same routes every day. When I goofed up TTing and murdered all of my flowers my grass came back so now those paths are gone.

    I'd love to have a second town! I've been trying to find used NL cartridges for a decent price but people are charging almost as much for used copies as brand new ones! I've found brand new factory sealed with WA card NL for about $15 and people are selling used copies with no card for $13. For the extra $2 I could get a brand new one! I just have to save up the $15...
    Thank you so much for visiting Achrome!! I’m glad you enjoyed it. I’m still planning on keeping it but making it more Tim Burton-ish. I want to add more nicks and morbid jokes all around :D
    wow that's super cute :D i hope ac on switch has plenty more in store than new leaf did, how exciting!!
    Grazie, volendo o nolendo frequentando questo mondo chiamato Internet qualcosina di Inglese l'ho imparata, giocando online è indispensabile. Di difficoltà ne ho comunque tante ma cerco di aggirarle. :p

    Io ho cominciato a giocare ad ACNL per sbaglio, grazie ad un evento Nintendo del 2013 ho potuto scaricarlo gratuitamente e nulla... ne sono rimasta catturata, avevo un'idea del gioco completamente diversa, pensavo fosse qualcosa alla "Giulia passione" tanto renderti l'idea. :p A me ricorda tanto the sims ma soprattutto PET SOCIETY, gioco storico su fb, oramai non esiste neanche più ...

    Per gli items, sto cercando di recupare qualche oggetto esclusivo dell'aggiornamento Welcome Amiibo, devo completare qualche stanze ma soprattutto mi mancano i 3 nuovi abitanti ostrich che andrebbero ad esaudire il mio sogno di possedere un'intera città di 10 struzzi. :p

    (ahh quando uscirà AC per switch il mio portafoglio piangerà 2 volte, mi manca anche la console...!)
    Va beh, ciao! ^_^
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