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  • It's really cool that you have an all-deer town =)! My town isn't all cats though actually xD. 9/10 of my villagers are cats and my noncat villager is Alfonso the alligator who I plan to keep because my girlfriend and I have really fond memories of him xD.
    Hey there, I answered in the thread, but all I need to know for you to adopt Lopez is that you'll keep him in your town as a dreamie villager :)
    I'm sorry I'm currently out of pink roses! But I am breeding a few (I don't think I'd be able to make 100 though) and I'll let you know as soon as I get any :)
    Oh, that's disappointing. I really wanted Melba so I think I will pass on the offer of Chester. Thanks anyway.

    Thank you for letting me know! <3 Yes, you will now be second. c: I also cannot tell you how sweet you are for saying that! It truly does mean the world to me. ^-^ I love seeing people happy and being generous is what I love to do~
    you can start cycling when a villager is in boxes. this method is random, so there's no way to know which villager will be in boxes next.

    Pietro in boxes on March 6, 2015

    Once he's adopted Time travel back 1 year and 5 days to March 1, 2014

    then time travel 1 year ahead to March 1, 2015

    next time travel 5 days ahead to March 6, 2015

    Next villager will be in boxes

    Does this make sense?
    I'd rather not since I need to save btb

    But you'll get Fauna for the same price if I find her in my cycling town (it was you that wanted her, right?)
    sorry omg, someone's been waiting for some villagers from me for like whole day so im rushing ;;;;a;;;;;;;
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