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  • ya of course!! and your username was one of jimin's possible stage names right? lmaooo
    no problem. um, please do not do that but he moves away please make sure to only give him away.
    you're very welcome and thank you for cooperating with me. ;w; sorry for asking for so much from you!
    thank you! sorry for the inconvenience. ;A;
    if you cannot find a town within the next few minutes, i can open up my cycling town for you.
    i am not sure, but can't you quickly visit a town with 10 villagers? i think that is the only way...
    would you be able to clear your void first? i need to pick up a villager right after so i can plot reset... u__u my town is completed so i would be devastated if i got a random move-in.
    Yaay! How long will she be available? I was getting her from someone else who said they will give her to me for free but our timezones are completely different, she said she will be on earlier today, but if I still can't catch her on I will get lolly from u, is that ok? If not then that's fine :) I would just get her right now from u but she's been holding her for me for 4 days even though I told her to give lolly to someone else to make it easier for her, so I will feel bad if in the end I just say I don't want her anymore >.<
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