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  • I've rarely ever used garchomp before...but I think I put EVs into Speed and Atk (I guess I don't know what I'm doing, if the standard use is to put EVs in HP and Def ^^; ).
    I don't think I've hatched a single shiny pokemon, so I can understand that. XD
    Garchomp is actually pretty fast as long as it isn't mega evolved (I think it loses about 10 base stat points in speed when it becomes a mega).
    I thought I was done for when your togekiss came out and my garchomp was nearly done. Though, your team did really well; you dominated the first half of the battle. Lots of shinies, too. o.o
    Since we're paired up in the pokemon monotype tourny, do you want to battle around the same time schedule we finally figured out in the doubles?
    Yep! It was me. If you have any questions, feel free to ask! :)
    (Also, you can click my username on Flight rising and it will take you to my account page where you can leave a "comment" for me. :) )
    he might be coming back in two weeks or so, might be able to rename it then. he wanted it for some match with his friend >.< ill be online in a sec
    don't think i can because my bro bred them up fr me on my other game and he took it to his university.
    one inconvienience after another :c
    Also, I've forgotten Malamar & amphararos :( :( :( The total is excluding them.
    So sorry!! I'll try to make a few trades and get them, but I can't guarantee it :(
    For ordering so many pokemon, I've leveled up all your pokemon to lvl 100 except Milotic and Skarmory (bucuz I wuz lazy) and gave a 10% discount.

    So the total will be 660 TBT (or) 60.6m bells :3
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