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  • Hello♥ I was wondering if you could possibly make me a town flag for my town Cherubic. I can pay with in game bells? I've been scouring this site for an artist who is talented and kind enough to work with me on this; my town is in dire need of a personal, beautiful flag. Thank you for your consideration.
    Hey ! it looks like you get this a lot but I just wanted to stop by and say Goblin is amazing !! Your creativity and attention to detail really inspired me to do something similar. I want to buy another copy and make it based on The Last Unicorn. Once again, well done !
    Btw I visit your labyrinth town
    It was awesome
    I actually told one friend of mine to dream of your town
    Hey :) I really gotta thank you again for the flag
    It's just so beautiful That I just wish I already have the machine to get it now in purely
    Because I love it
    you're labyrinth town is AMAZING
    it made me so happy and it was just perfect!
    eveything captured the movie so beautifully and it even had a bog of stench
    I really enjoyed meeting Bowie as Jareth in Labyrinth. I put on the Tiara hair for him! :) I was so excited and took a few pictures!
    The town looks great, and I really liked the clever use of stair dressers & how well written the signs were.

    I remember hoping it would have the stair room, but not sure how that would be made & BAM! The upstairs room answered that question. :)

    I'm sad that you can only get those stink flowers when the town is really bad. I think they look pretty and reminds me of Vileplume! :p

    Well done!
    Thanks! Glad you like it. :)
    I think it's supposed to turn into a thumbs down once you hit thumbs up (in case people mis-click I guess), so don't worry! :)
    Oh wow! :) Thank you! :) I'm so glad you enjoyed it! I rarely get feedback.

    No, Mitsuko is the Mayor, but I think Ziggy's house has more rare items because I gave them all to him while doing the Harmonious challenge. He is in the middle of being changed around because his house is meant to keep going with a whimsical dream theme.
    Today I removed the "caution well" signs you like so much, because I didn't think people would get that it was funny, so I'll set them up again! :)

    I'm also happy you got the bathroom! I thought it was funny you can slip on the banana peels but it says "caution" just like that episode of the Simpsons where they "fix the well by putting up a sign. :)

    I'm glad you appreciated the paths, they took two people to make, and I'll tell them you liked their wrestling basement, because that character is not controlled by me, but a mysterious second person--who was very happy to hear you liked it, and I think you are the first to notice it! :) Thanks again.
    You probably get this all the time, but Goblin is amazing. Wonderful work. It's definitely the most thoroughly and interestingly themed towns I've ever seen. It's absolutely awesome to walk through.
    Hello.I love your "Labyrinth" town.It's probably the best themed town I've seen so far.I'm a fan of the movie and it was fun to recognize the characters and places.
    Is my inbox really still full? I thought I deleted almost everything. Maybe you could try sending me a message again to test it out?
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