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  • (JeffreyAC) You can probably take off the sketchbook because I am actually getting one from the Katie event. ;)
    First message: OK, thanks for the message! I will for sure be on after 4:00p.m. today, if not earlier. I am on right now too, IF you want to trade.
    Second message: Oh ok, sorry! Timezones are just.. confusing. :p
    Also, if you would like to trade right now, we can.
    That message was at 4:40 a.m. for me so I was asleep, I'm here now for a few hours if you're around :D
    Hey! Just letting you know that the Katie item you got was a Sketchbook! One of my favorites personally lol. I have one in my house. Anyways get back to me some time and I'll bring it you ya. :p
    Hi! Yes on your order, it's 25TBT or 1mill IGB, your choice. Let me know whenever you're around :D

    Green Pinwheel x1
    Sketchbook x1
    Purple Feather x1
    Red Feather x1
    Dr. Shrunk's Jacket x1
    Woops, my internet messed up.. sorry! Come back in. This pretty much NEVER happens.. promise. :p
    hey I'm online right now and will be for another 2 hours, so just message me as soon as you read this :)
    Oh, by the way! Sorry for not responding much! I didn't see it send me any notifications..
    Thanks! I just kinda found it and Bing and thought it looked cool, so I used it. XD
    I'll message you tomorrow about what item you got, and we can meet up again! Thanks for having me! Also, love the flag. Scout Regime. :p
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