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  • Hey. Where have you been? Why aren't you talking to me? And what's the update with your Nuzlocke challenge?
    Okay, I'm opening the gate now. Make sure to add me first and I'll hopefully see you soon! Let me know when your getting on if you can. I'll be around for the next 40 minutes~
    I just read your post on the introduction board! It made me laugh. I am also obsessed with ACNL and preordered it day 1 (1/22/11) so yea....clearly we should be friends! LoL. My friend code is 3823-8513-8427 and my name is Rissa. Feel free to ad me. I'm PST and I usually play at night but hopefully we'll be able to meet up. I have apples in my town. Send me a message with your friend code and we'll see what we can work out!
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