Who are the best and worst penguin villagers, and why? šŸ§

Who are your favourite penguins?

  • Aurora

    Votes: 14 28.6%
  • Boomer

    Votes: 6 12.2%
  • Chabwick

    Votes: 6 12.2%
  • Cube

    Votes: 12 24.5%
  • Flo

    Votes: 3 6.1%
  • Friga

    Votes: 3 6.1%
  • Gwen

    Votes: 3 6.1%
  • Hopper

    Votes: 11 22.4%
  • Iggly

    Votes: 4 8.2%
  • Puck

    Votes: 6 12.2%
  • Roald

    Votes: 18 36.7%
  • Sprinkle

    Votes: 18 36.7%
  • Tex

    Votes: 2 4.1%
  • Wade

    Votes: 11 22.4%

  • Total voters


axolotl girl
Squirtle Squad
Apr 24, 2015
Blue Crescent Moon
Yellow Crescent Moon
Night Sky Scenery
Blue Crescent Moon
Yellow Crescent Moon
Yellow Star Fragment
Toy Duck Plush
Bluebird of Happiness Plush
Bee Plush
Blue Star Fragment
Iā€™ve always been a big fan of the penguin villagers! I think the majority of them have pretty cool designs, and I love how round and pudgy they are.

My absolute fave penguins are Sprinkle and Chabwick! Iā€™ve loved Sprinkle ever since New Leaf, and Iā€˜ve had her in both New Leaf and now New Horizons! I honestly canā€™t imagine having a town/island without her atp, sheā€™s just so precious and is such a cutie! I adore her design so much, I think it suits her peppy personality well! Chabwick is a newer favourite of mine, but heā€™s adorable! He most definitely gives off ā€œno thoughts, head emptyā€ vibes, but thatā€™s part of what makes him so endearing! Heā€™s such a cutie patootie. Him holding a popsicle in his New Horizons render is so cute as well!!

Iā€™m also a big fan of Friga and Puck! Friga has such a pretty design to me, I love her blue/pink colours so much! Puck has grown on me a lot over the past year or so. I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever had him in any of my games, but Iā€™d love to have him on my island eventually! Heā€™s so cute. Iggly is one of the silliest little dudes Iā€™ve ever seen in my life, but heā€™s also so endearing. Big fan of him as well!! And I of course have to love Roald for that silly photo of him with an orange on his head.


My least favourite penguin is probably Hopper. Iā€™ve just never been a fan of his design, but it definitely suits his cranky personality!
Hopper and Sprinkle are my faves. I have them in my NH town. They are pretty cool, I like Hopper's design a lot and I enjoy the penguin villagers in general. At first I wasn't too big of a fan of Sprinkle, but she grew on me over time. Aurora is pretty cute! I'd also love to have Boomer, both for the name and his aesthetic.

Iggly is probably the least appealing villager. His design is not my favorite. Also, Wade. What's going on with him? He doesn't really look like a penguin, imo, so he's gotta go in the worst category.
BEST: Sprinkle, Roald and Hopper!

My favourite penguin villager is Sprinkle! I love her winter theme and how she is based off of a frozen dessert. I also like Roald and Hopper. Roald is based on the classic emperor penguin while Hopper is based on the rockhopper penguin.

WORST: Iggly

I dislike Iggly because of his eyes. That really is the only reason why I dislike him. Overall I like most penguin designs. I wish there was separate dialogue for them when it snowed. It would be even better immersion.
I actually like Hopper and Boomer~! They seem really neat! I think I've had Hopper in the past for New Leaf. I had Flo in New Leaf and was sad when she left.
Friga and Gwen are sisters, and have beef with each other; and no one can change my mind XD I do love the look of Friga.
Chabwick, Roald, and Wade; I love the look of. And the rest, I am sorta meh with. Probably cause I haven't had them before.
The penguins are kinda hit and miss for me. I haven't interacted with many of them so I feel mostly indifferent. I like Roald because of the memes. My two favourites are Cube and Hopper!

I had both Cube and Hopper in my wild world town back when villager dialogue still had flavour.

I hated Hopper because he was a massive bully. I was actually scared of him at first because of his red eyes and constant chlreic outbursts whatever I did! One day I didn't see him about so I checked inside his house and found out he was sick. I grudignly brought him some medicine and after that incident he slowly warmed up to me and was softer! So eventually I started liking him.

Cube was my best buddy in ww. His eyes were a bit creepy to me at first, but I got along best with him and he was super sweet to me.
My favorite Penguin villager is Hopper. He was one of the first villagers I saw back in the GameCube game. His red eyes and yellow crest eyebrows are very striking and cool and I appreciate that he has the stereotypical black and white plumage commonly associated to penguins. He's also a Cranky, which as of New Horizons is my favorite male villager personality. He was actually in the first town I ever made in the GameCube game, but I restarted that file to change the town name and lost him for years. Eventually I reclaimed him in New Leaf; one of my New Leaf towns is an all bird species town and Hopper was my choice to be the penguin resident. Love him.

I'd say Sprinkle is probably second. Her coloration and her hair swirl are really pleasant. Boomer is a very close third, if not tied for second, because I love his aviator design complete with the cap and goggles.

I also like Cube, Flo, Friga, Gwen, Roald, and Tex, but they're a tier lower than Sprinkle and Boomer. Puck's all right because of his cap and his purple coloration, and same for Chabwick with his earmuffs, but I like them a little less than everyone mentioned previously.

Penguins are my favorite animals alongside crows and ravens, so I have an affection for them and I like the species in the games.

My least favorite Penguin is Iggly. The eyes constantly aimed upward aren't appealing.
It would definitely be a crime for me not to choose Puck, as a hockey fan myself. A close second for me would have to be Aurora.
It's easily Aurora for me! I think I first stumbled upon her in a dream town I was visiting back in New Leaf, and I just fell in love. I wanted to incorporate her into my NL town, but I believe I had already settled on Flurry and Goldie. I try not to go over 2 of the same villager types so I decided to let Aurora go. Fast forward to New Horizons and she actually wasn't in my plans at first, however a little over a year ago I decided to bring her in due to a bunch of my planned villagers not working out. It's safe to say that she's one of my permies now and I really love how it all kind of came full circle, seeing as she was a villager I've loved since 2013/2014. Her design is pretty simple, but her big black eyes are adorable, not to mention I love how they turn red when she's shocked or surprised. Her pink eyelids are also top tier and I love the ombre/gradient on her body the black fading to a light grey looks really lovely. šŸ˜ŠšŸ’•

I actually can't decide who my least favourite penguin villager is. It's between Flo or Iggly though. Something about their faces is strange to me and they don't really look like villagers to me for a reason I can't quite put my finger on. The style of their eyes just seems a bit jarring to me I suppose?
The best penguins for me would be Flo, Sprinkle, and Roald! Flo seems like a great match with her sisterly personality, and I love her eyelashes. Sprinkle is extra cute and I like her mint and orange colors, and Roald is adorable with the big round empty eyes. The penguins are all very friend-shaped.

The penguins I'd consider the worst are Iggly and Hopper. I'm normally a fan of cranky villagers, but Hopper just looks angry and unpleasant, and Iggly looks like he's doing the :rolleyes: eyeroll. Don't you roll your eyes at me, Iggly.
uhhhhhhhhhhh i don't really care for any of the penguins dsfdsf. i kind of wish they were smaller, what's with nintendo and huge penguins

i guess the ones i don't mind the most would be chabwick and puck, they have the most interesting designs to me. next up would be cube, roald, and maybe aurora? idk. they're alright lol.

my least favourite would be iggly, he's got the classic case of "eyes too close together" and i don't like that he's always looking up or eyerolling, i can just feel my own eyes straining from it girl get those things down from there. horrendous.
I didn't care a whole lot for the penguins until I got Boomer on my island and grew to really love him. He has such a cute expression when he's surprised and he's always called me bestie through all the other nicknames that have floated around my island over the years. My favorite flying penguin šŸ’“ I think Chabwick are Roald are both adorable too, and I love Tex just cause his name's Tex

My least favorite I guess would be Friga. Although the more I look at her the more I think she's kinda cool, so maybe Hopper
I'm not a big fan of the penguin villagers, I'm not sure what it is. I voted for Roald, Cube, and Hopper. Roald is a meme and he kinda reminds me of the penguins from... I think it was Super Mario 64..? I don't know, I'm not familiar with the mario games I just remember watching my brother play that game when we were kids and yeah. ANYWAY Cube is cute, I like his color scheme and his eyes. And Hopper is cool because he was in the animal crossing animated film!

I hate Sprinkle because she got in the way of my terraforming and got upset when I kept running into her to get her to move lmao
My favorite penguin villager is Puck! It's hard not to have the lone hockey loving villager as a favorite of mine, lol. I wish I had him on my island, but oh well, there's always the next Animal Crossing game to try and make it a reality. Though Boomer is a close second! I had him on my island and grew to like him a lot, especially as I turned his catchphrase and greeting into things an actual boomer might say, lol. Gwen's the only other penguin villager I've had that I can remember, and I ended up liking her as well, though I didn't keep her long-term since I didn't want multiple penguins on my island, lol.

I honestly don't dislike any of the penguin villagers, so I can't pick a "worst" villager out of any of them! I think they are all pretty cool in their own ways and like the designs of most of them.
I think Wade and Cube are super cute! I love both of their eyes -- Wade is so (ā—”ā—”ā—”) it's adorable. I think I just really like the colouration of their beaks, too -- the black/gold + their black face base makes it look like they're smiling.

Most of the penguins are adorable. I think if I had to pick one that I like the least... it would have to be Flo? She has the cool sis vibes, but i just don't like her hair quite as much. still cute tho

ngl i also like iggly because his face is really funny to me. bro's just always looking up. he's sorta weird to the point that it loops back to being cute
Roald is my #1 šŸ„° But I also adore Aurora!
I actually had Roald, Aurora, and Friga as 3 of my 5 starters in my New Leaf town šŸ˜† I eventually let Friga go (though I still maintain a soft spot for her), but Roald and Aurora are still there!

There are no bad penguins!!! šŸ˜” j/k If I had to choose, Gwen, but only because my brain refers to her as "Not Friga"
I love the penguin villagers!

Flo - I love her eyes that give her a little bit of a sassy look but underneath she's so sweet. I have her on my island.
Sprinkle - A long time favourite from New Leaf she really fits the peppy personality. I like the look of the little swirl on her head.
Tex - Just looks like a really cool dude
(Shout out: Wade, Cube, Iggly, Roald)

Hopper - Always VERY angry looking with the red eye and aggressive brow combo, not really a fan.
I'm not too overly fond of the penguin villagers, but Sprinkle and Wade get my approval! Sprinkle reminds me of ice cream in a way and Wade has a nice plain white and black color to him. šŸ™‚
I haven't had much experience with the penguins but Hopper is cool.

Worst is probably Iggy or Cube. Iggy is kinda odd and I'm not a fan of Cube's eyes.
The penguin villagers are my favorites. I had an all penguin island for awhile and might go back to it. My favorites are Aurora, Roald and Wade. There are no penguins I donā€™t like.