Pokémon When do you consider a game beaten?


Sep 20, 2013
I got into a conversation with my favorite person that I have yet to beat the Elite Four on Pokémon Violet. I don't find it necessary as I consider the game beaten after obtaining all eight gym badges. I didn't know that some people stopped after the gym badges until she told me. I thought I was weird.

Do you aim for beating the Elite Four and becoming a champion, or do you stop after obtaining all of the gym badges? I'm pretty sure I'm the minority in this, but I stop after obtaining the gym badges. I don't care for beating the Elite Four and becoming champion, or completing the Pokédex.
When there's no more hand-holding....
Ok, I'll be serious. Usually when I defeat Pokemon League and enter the hall of fame. In the case of Pokemon Scarlet/Violet, its when I complete all 3 paths, unlock Area Zero and defeat the final antagonist. With all the stories completed, I am free to go wherever I please and do whatever I please...which honestly isnt much in these games.
In most Pokémon games, becoming the champion.
In Scarlet/Violet, it’s beating the Area Zero quest.
There are different stages to "beaten," and this varies by game, but this is usually how I segment the game.

Minimalistic: Defeat the Elite 4. I choose this as a base point, because that's usually when the credits roll.

Advanced, scenario 1: Finish the post-game story content if any exists. This mainly applies to when the games have a Delta episode like ORAS. If they don't, then this is inapplicable.

Advanced, scenario 2: Catch the legendary Pokémon that are obtainable in the game without trading or events.

Gotta Catch a Few of 'em: Catch all Pokémon that are obtainable in the game without trading or events.

Good: Complete the regional Pokédex.

Master: Complete the national Pokédex.

Usually, my approach starts with Minimalistic. If I'm still in a Pokémon mood, I might go for all the Advanced stages. And if I'm in the mood after that, I'll proceed to Gotta Catch a Few of 'em. I pretty much never go for 'Good' or 'Master' anymore.
For me I've always felt the game was over after beating the league. I never felt the urge to continue playing after that. I don't think I ever completed a Pokédex, I don't like grinding for the sake of completion.
Beating the league and if there's any story ending parts of that.
Not like Post game stuff, but if the main story ends after that.
Nowadays, I don't consider a Pokémon game complete until I've beaten the Elite Four, finished any extra storyline quests after that, and completed the Pokédex with a living dex.

Back when I was younger, it just about beating the Elite Four and any extra storyline quests. The complete Pokédex requirement for me has only come about recently since it's become a lot easier to catch Pokémon in general. I have no interest in loading up my older games and finishing the Pokédex on them, however. If I remember correctly, only Red/Blue/Green/Yellow and Gold/Silver/Crystal have (or had, in the case of Johto games) complete Pokédexes, but they weren't living dexes.

Legends Arceus was the exception - I couldn't consider it complete until every entry had a 'Perfect' symbol against it, and every side and Path of Solitude quest was complete. I doubt I'd do it for any other mainline Pokémon game, though.
Whenever you become the champion for the first time in said game.
My general standard for "beat the game" is whenever the credits roll. Pokemon is mostly no exception to that. Off the top of my head, the only game I'd consider that goes against that standard is GS/HGSS, since I feel like beating Red is required to actually have beaten it.
Yeah I normally think of it as after the credits. I consider stuff like trying to complete my pokedex post game.
I would say I've "finished" the game when the credits roll. I like to defeat the elite four, and finish any story lines. I'm not bothered about completing my Pokèdex. 😊✨
usually like to become champion, see credits, and complete my Pokédex - will generally then play longer to do some shiny hunting but consider the game completed already
Hall of Fame and the story after if it exists.

I think a lot of people, even outside of pokemon, have different ideas of when a game is beat or finished. Some games don't have a set 'end'. And some people are 💯 % completionists.
My standard for beating a game is when the credits roll, however with Pokémon, I consider it beaten after I beat the elite 4 and the champion. I don’t consider it beaten after only obtaining the gym badges. I do also try to go back after finishing and complete everything.
When I feel like I've seen everything there is in the game, collected everything, done all of the side quests, and pretty much not thinking of anything else to do thats when I consider the game complete.
I consider Pokémon games beaten after I've done all of the post-game content available. There tends to be further stuff unlocked to do after beating the main story with the Elite Four and Champion, so the credit roll doesn't feel like it's actually a signifier of anything other than completing the main story.

Once everything's done that there is to do, then it's beaten.
In general, I always finish the campaign of a game. In Pokémon, for me that's the Elite + Champion.
That's just the core of Pokémon to me. You collect badges to unlock the final bosses and all that.

It's not like you need to beat the game or anything, I don't do every optional fight so I totally understand just skipping the final five fights with the same thinking. But it's still essential to Pokémon, you collect the badges to beat the Elite Four and Champion, if you follow the campaign.

I feel like if you only play for multiplayer you never beat it, you know? It's just a tool then.
For me, it's when I get all the badges, complete the story, and then my pokedex. I call it there, I don't shiny hunt ahahaha not a fan
Once the credits roll. That’s when I consider the story is over in most video games unless it has multiple endings or something.