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What’s your story about how you were introduced into the world of Gaming?


Your average casual gamer B)
Jul 3, 2022
Mine was MarioKart Wii. I was a Smol boi and was handed a Wii remote and I eventually learned to use it on my own and the rest is history.
Started with a Nintendo 64 and PlayStation 1 ages ago. I have fond memories of playing the very first Mario Party with my family and having a lot of fun. Also played the original Spyro games as well, which were super fun too. Eventually I would get a Nintendo DS, and the rest is history!
My mom gave me a grey Nintendo DS Lite, a copy of Animal Crossing: Wild World, and a couple of other games for Christmas back in 2008-2009 (rough estimate; my memory is ass, lol). I had played some online games prior to that such as GirlsGoGames and BarbieGirls.com, but Wild World, the other games I got, and my Nintendo DS Lite were my introduction to video games!

I’m very grateful for that; especially for Wild World, as if my mom hadn’t gotten it for me, I don’t know if I would‘ve gotten into the series myself later on.
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I remember going to some kid's birthday party back in the mid-1970's and some of the guests were gathered around the television watching these little white things moving around on the screen.They were playing Pong,one of the earliest home video game consoles.I had previously played some crude arcade games but seeing a video game being played in someone's house had me intrigued.A few years later my brother and I bought a Mattel Intellivision and I've been playing video games ever since.
My dad had a console. I think it was a GameCube? I started playing the Zelda games he had. Surprisingly, I was never a fan of the Zelda games, but I shortly got into other franchises. I really liked Super Mario and Pokémon when I was younger. He suggested Animal Crossing as I game I could possibly be into, as well.

I was into gaming at a young age, but not so much anymore. I fell off after getting older, and I now only play select games — definitely not enough to be considered a gamer, though.
Around the age of 4-5 (maybe 3, idk exactly), I was visiting a relative when I noticed his red Nintendo DS laying around. I asked if I could play it, and he said yes. After eventually figuring out how to operate the thing, I booted up Mario Kart DS and the rest is history. I actually have a game from my original 3 still housed in my game case (the games that introduced me to gaming were MKDS, Diamond/Pearl and Kirby Mass Attack. I still have Mass Attack).
I actually started with PC games! my dad worked in IT so he was always into computers and had me playing like jumpstart and educational games when I was 3 or 4. Since I'm the youngest we already had a few computer games so I would often play those too, and once I figured out how the internet worked I found loads of games to play there by the time I was 5 or smth.

My childhood best friend had a Gamecube and I loved going over to her house to play games in early elementary school, but at the time I didn't know what a Gamecube or console games were so I couldn't ask my parents for one. Luckily my parents got my sisters and I a Wii when I was maybe 8, then I BEGGED them for a DS Lite after seeing all the kids on the bus playing Mario Kart together on the way to school lol. And the rest is history haha!
My younger sister found a Wii and a few games in a cabinet by the TV at my old house. She randomly picked Super Mario Galaxy. As you said, PowerPlus, the rest is history.
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My brother had a Sega Genesis at first, and I always enjoyed watching him play. I'd occasionally dabble with Sonic, but I still preferred watching to playing.

When he got an N64, I gradually became more interested in playing a few games myself. I have extremely fond memories with Super Mario 64, Majora's Mask, Paper Mario, and Gauntlet Legends.

The first console that was "my own" was the GameCube.
My dad put one of the chairs from the kitchen table in front of the TV, told me to sit, then handed me a PS1 controller and told me what the buttons did. The game was the original Spyro the Dragon.

I also used to use his Gameboy to play games like Metroid II and Link's Awakening. I can't recall if that was before or after the above.
I was a little kid and my cousin's dad had the old Nintendo entertainment system with super mario and duck hunt. I guess I was 4?
I had those old tiger games at home and barbie pinball that also had the black graphics that would light up on the screen.
My uncle at the time had a PlayStation that had Primal Rage and I loved it. What kid didn't like fighting dinosaurs? He also had Crash Bandicoot.
When I was in third grade, I made friends with someone I'm still friends with but I don't hear from them often and they live far and they have stuff to deal with. It started because one of us needed to borrow markers or crayons or something. Anywho they had pokemon red and a green Gameboy color and I watched them intently play it all the time. Then they showed me their pokemon yellow, and silver. I found myself asking for a Gameboy too but parents weren't happy about it. I eventually got a PlayStation, then after it breaking a couple of times decided to just get me a that clear purple looking Gameboy advance. I bought pokemon crystal for half price from target soon after my friend showed me her pokemon crystal and how you can actually be a girl and how pokemon actually moved when entering battle. It grew from there.
I remember playing that one PS1 game although it's not one of the iconic classics like Spyro or Crash but it's a movie based game (Atlantis) which isn't exactly a good first impression to start with, but I basically got away from touching gaming because the rumble controllers really scared me for years until I get into gaming again starting with the DS few years later. Especially when my very first exposure and a real exposure to gaming and Nintendo games in general is Mario kart DS, I like playing as Peach a lot being a kid back then.

My first exposure to PC gaming is definitely the CD ROM edutainment games. Remember those PC games back at the 90's and early 2000's in which they attempted to make education "fun" by making those games?

I frankly do remember them.
my parents bought the wii in 2008 bundled with wii sports and a balance board for fitness purposes LOL

i was three at the time and my brother was two so we weren’t interested initially but started playing with it more as we got older. in addition to wii sports, my parents bought us mario kart wii and educational games (dora, go diego go, a dinosaur game) we also got some lego games (indiana jones, star wars, pirates of the caribbean). i feel so old remembering seeing the wii at walmart and a display at sears.

then i got a 2DS when i was around 9, which introduced me to portable gaming. i had tomodachi life, yo kai watch, animal crossing new leaf and a bunch of other games.
My love for games started really early on with computer games like Putt-Putt, Freddi Fish, Spy Fox, Pajama Sam and Backyard Baseball. There were lots of Barbie and Disney games that I really enjoyed as well. (I also played a lot of dress up games online with my sisters, haha.) Then for one of my birthdays I got a green Gameboy Color (I think I was seven) and I fell in love with Pokemon Crystal. It took going to a friend's house and seeing her brother play games on the tv to convince me that I needed a PS2 for Christmas. From there I got into racing games, DDR, puzzle games, farming games and then eventually story-based games and RPGS. I remember trying a little of everything back then and having a lot of fun discovering my favorites. c:
I forget what system it was, but it was a hand-me-down. I was 'too young' to play so I could only ever watch my sisters play it. I was never allowed to play it. Fun times. But it made me really want to have my own system to play where my greedy sisters didn't gatekeep it.
My family had a Sega Genesis, NES, and SNES when I was really little. I think they were mainly meant for my brother at first, but I played Super Mario Bros. with my dad and Street Fighter with my brother. I'd also try to play other games we had, but I wasn't very good at them being so young. I do remember having a Barney game for the Genesis. I'd say the first console I could really enjoy on my own was the Nintendo 64. My favorite games were Super Mario 64 and Banjo-Kazooie, and I also liked some other games such as Mario Party 3 and Pokemon Snap a lot
the wii console!! reckon that i got it for christmas one year. i don't remember much about first getting it, though i too had the mario kart wheel
I was introduced to the PlayStation 2 and the Game Boy Advance when I was a child, I think those are what got me into gaming.
It was back when I was six. I was gifted a PS1 on my birthday by my cousin with a smurfs racing game. And while I was curious I was also scared of the console. I would hide behind the doorway as I glanced over the console and the TV :ROFLMAO: but this is the same girl that was scared of chocolate when I was smaller and then tried it and loved it so there's a patten here. Eventually my father was able to show me the game was not going to harm me, I gained the courage and I tried it out. He told me that he went to the bathroom and left me alone for a little while and when he came back I was already a pro at it. Even winning against him in every single match. After that I visited my cousin house a few times and he had a Spyro demo that I fell in love with and after that I asked my parents for Spyro 1 and from there I have started investing in gaming. My first completed trilogy was the Spyro games and those games were what model my mind to what type of games I would then feel drawn in the future.
Mine was Tetris on the NES when I was four. My mom also had an NES and she had Super Mario Bros of course but also Burger Time and some game which I don’t know the name of but it used the Light Zapper. She also had the Dragon Ball Z game that was titled Dragon Fighter I believe. Never saw her play that game.