Splatoon What's your main weapon?


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Jun 5, 2018
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I am on a quest to find a new weapon to try, because I am getting too attached to my current main weapon. I wanna stay flexible!

Some ideas for this thread:

- What's your main weapon?
- Why do you like it?
- Do you have tips for someone who never played this weapon style before?

I'll start us off:
- I am an avid custom Splattershot Jr. user

- I like it because I love the subs and specials.
-> Torpedo is awesome because it follows people around so I see their location.
-> Wave breaker is often underestimated and gets me a lot of passive kills (+ tracking people).
-> The extra ink you get with this weapon is amazing - I rarely run out! The fire rate is high, I cover a lot of ground fast.

Negatives: It doesn't do a lot of damage and has short range

Tips: place wave breaker close to the opposing team (duh), always challenge opposing players 2v1. This is not a good weapon to go on a solo splatting spree with.
My fave main weapon is the Original Splattershot Jr. While the main weapon is the same it’s kit is not to be confused with Aqullia’s.

Mine has Splat Bomb and Big Bubbler.
My play style is typically more support and defence so this weapon suits me nicely. The Splat Bomb is my favourite bomb and makes up for my lack of range and damage. I’ve gotten many lucky splats from just tossing random bombs. Also in matches when my main weapon is relatively useless due to its range I can still lob bombs and feel like I’m contributing.

Big Bubbler is best used in a spot you are trying to gain control of with at least one other teammate around. My range doesn’t let me make the most use of the special on its own but it can be clutch for a teammate with more range. At the very least if I don’t have a teammate around I’ll still setup a big bubbler and then continue on inking elsewhere as the enemy will more often than not waste time destroying the shield.

Aquilla pretty much covered the main weapon itself but I just love how good at inking the Jr is considering I pretty much exclusively play turf war. I’ll often play a bit on the sneaky side to in order to get in close (within my range) to get the drop on someone.

Sometimes I’ll switch to one of the normal splattershot variants as the added range and damage it has makes it easier to fight enemies. It’s also still decent at inking like the Jr though not quite as good but a fair trade off for being better for offence.
My main weapons are definitely the Dualie Squelchers, Bloblobber and Tentatek Splattershot. These weapons are great especially in Anarchy modes (ranked):

  • Dualie Squelchers is overall great because it's kit: the basic splat bomb and wave breaker. Great in overall range and can spot opponents using the wave breaker special. Despite it's upsides, it has a poor turf coverage.
  • Bloblobber is great with splat zones. Despite it's limited turf coverage, it has a great range and an Ink Storm special to remedy that drawback. The sprinkler is a bonus for helping you take back control of the splat zones.
  • Tentatek Splattershot is also overall great because of it's amazing kit: splat bomb and triple inkstrike. Although the range isn't as good as Dualie Squelchers, it still covers in the damage dealing department and has an overall good turf coverage.
I mostly play turf war and I’m not the best at this game so I’m not sure how good my tips would be.

My favorite weapon to play is the standard Big Swig Roller! I know it’s not the best but it’s just too fun to play!
⭐️it’s a pretty quick and efficient roller so I can move quickly and ink a lot before I need to refill my tank. I can even charge up a special on one tank sometimes!
⭐️As for the Ink Vac it can be used against other specials and if you time it right you can consume booyah bombs not even letting them touch the ground!

⭐️Keep your feet inked at all times! It’s best to ink an area before you head in as the Big Swig is not good at inking its feet. Shooter weapons tend to ink the ground below you as they shoot at you so it is better to try and go around them or sneak up on them instead of attacking head on.
⭐️Vertical flicks are generally better at splatting but need better aim. It takes about 3 horizontal flicks to splat but you can one shot with a vertical if you are close enough.
⭐️Big Swig can be effective on crab tanks! While going around the tank you can destroy the tank and possibly splat the rider. Just ensue that you are not in the direct line of fire.

I do play other weapons sometimes, I used to main Octobrush and Inkbrush before trying Splash o Matic and Tentatek Splat. I can still play these other weapons but I just like Swig the most (and I want to try to get 5 stars on it)
I'm really bad with most of Splatoon 3's main weapons, but I mostly use Flingza or Tentatek.
In Splatoon 2, I used a huge variety! My mains were New Squiffer, Soda Slosher (the main main), Kensa Octobrush, and Splat Roller! Hopefully as new weapons are introduced, my variety in 3 will increase.
My mains are as follows:
Acerein (my california save) mains Luna Blaster Neo with Ninja Squid. Secondary and tertiary mains are Heavy Splatling Deco and Big Swig Roller Express.
Valen (my local save, and I accidentally made them trans lol) is learning to main Bamboozler 14 Mk 1, and is undecided on secondary/tertiary mains.
here she is, my emotional support sploosh-o-matic:

i used to use this in splatoon 2 as well! (the special was splashdown back then tho i think?) the amount of times i panic myself into pressing the button to trigger the ultra stamp 😭 anyone who's played/watched any tbt event splatoon sessions knows i live for a good hammer moment. i just let it rip and drag me across the map
i dabble with rollers and brushes but i avoid chargers like the plague because i can't aim LOL
I'm a dualie main, mostly the Dapple Dualies Nouveau. I know the dark tetra dualies are meant to be better, with their better kit and higher number of dodge rolls, but the dapple dualies just feel better to control for me. I love the mobility aspect, and I just think they're really fun!

I'm not a good player by any means, so I probably shouldn't be giving advice, but I always try to be moving, staying still normally gets me killed. Obviously it depends on the situation and what's needed, but I think its more of a front-line weapon, so if my team is good at covering the main mission, I normally try to go ahead and annoy hold the attention of the other team. I think I've heard that a lot of people don't like the reefslider on it, but I think it's god for being able to quickly move into spaces, which I think is good since you have to get up close in order to actually do any damage. Torpedo's okay, but I'm pretty bad at actually using my bombs tbh. Oo I normally have a couple quick respawn on it as you will likely be dying a lot.

Again, I have no idea what I'm talking about so take everything with a grain of salt!
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I switch around these three: inkbrush, neo splash-o-matic and the rapid blaster (tower defense only).

The Inkbrush is fun and I like to lie in wait to destroy players. I enjoy throwing my splat bombs to lure people out, or for easy kills. As for the Killer Wail, I've surprisingly killed 2-3 people even though I personally think they're easy to dodge. Downfall is the inkbrush is short-ranged and you have to be in people's faces.

Neo splash-o-matic is pretty good for all modes. I use it more for tower defense and turf wars. I find the suction bomb pretty deadly especially if you can get it on the side of a platform and the enemy player has zero clue about their impending doom. Triple inkstrike is just more bombs and I'm a bomb person.

Rapid Blaster is best for tower defense only. It hits hard and has great range. The ink mine isn't great but I use it mostly to mark people on the tower or as safeguard behind me (then if I get killed, one of my teammates can kill them). However enemy players will hate you and you will be hunted immediately. 😭 So I'm always watching my back. It sucks when people get too close because it means a certain death but I've managed to insta-kill a couple players in close range.
i would like to talk about my beloveds

1. Splatana Wiper Deco (aka The Diper)
  • diper my beloved ur always in my heart
  • want a weapon that can spam missiles and can also fight back? here you go!
  • want a weapon that can jumpscare enemies behind their backs via beakon jump? here you go!
  • seriously though the splatana wiper in general is so much fun to play, it's got a good range + you can also one-shot up close (it's got the satisfying one-shot sound). plus when do you see a katana in a shooting game yknow! it's not always about the big guns!
  • i prefer the diper over the vanilla a little more because I love being useful with beakons & it helps me get used to pushing with just the main weapon. i use the vanilla though for times when the beakon won't be useful, such as in mahi mahi or brinewater spring where the area is pretty tiny and there's barely any room to flank. ultra stamp on vanilla wiper is nice for those straightforward maps.
  • the main role of a wiper (or at least the wiper deco) is to support through beakons and spotting/pushing enemies with the tenta missile! I also run ninja squid if I feel like I want to get in some kills myself or at least help sneak up on enemies.

2. Nautilus 47
  • I tried multiple splatlings and this one just fit the splatling-shaped hole in my heart
  • quick recharge time, good range, plus you can save your charge while swimming in ink!! no recharge required when you pop back up from the ink!!
  • not a super big fan of the sub weapon (point sensor) but it's not useless given that there are lots of narrow corridors you can just pop it on if you feel like you're in a tight spot. ink storm is super good though, it helps with a slow push!
  • not sure if I'm playing this weapon right but I'm usually in the midlines with this weapon, sometimes the front lines if I'm feeling cheeky with my kills LOL but mid is better since you want to be out of range of the shooters/short range weapons
  • a good advice is to charge the naut before pushing forward! i also charge lots when I'm turning a blind curve or running up a high wall, just in case there's an enemy waiting at the end.


3. Heavy Edit Splatling
  • This weapons is SCARILY growing on me, i got it to 3*s a few days ago and it JUST came out this sept
  • i just like how quick the abundant the shots are at full charge, which is scary because there's a chance they'll nerf this weapon. anyway enjoy the quick shots while it lasts
  • more of a mid to backline weapon i think? i dunno i havent used this in anarchy yet
  • does! not! paint! feet!! my #1 struggle with this weapon ngl
  • I somehow have better aim with this than other splatlings though idk why. very satisfying to get kills from far though! my go-to weapon for when I'm just not feeling like going in the frontlines but also I don't need precise aim like a charger (aka i can throw away some of my shots)

thanks for coming to my ted talk about my beloveds