what's the funniest/weirdest thing that's happened to you?


Let the experiment commence!!
Mar 2, 2020
My Melody Easter Egg
Blue Junimo Easter Egg
Tasty Cake
Blue Balloon
Red Heart Balloon
Space Whale Plush
Bluebird of Happiness Plush
Snowflake Glow Wand
Green Moon Jellyfish
Pink Moon Jellyfish
everyone has weird and funny things happen in their game, but whats the funniest/weirdest?

earlier i delivered something to hamphrey, and as a reward he gave me a yellow tartan shirt. then i talked to him again and he asked me for a fruit when we were standing literally right next to an apple tree (so close that i shook the tree and the apple fell on his head lol), and guess what. he gave me ANOTHER yellow tartan shirt. how does that even happen??

now what about you? i want to hear funny stories
There are so many HAHAHA I should dig up my old screenshots🥹😭 The villagers' letters are actually hilarious compared to New Horizons, and the characters are all a little more... silly. I don't know how many times they gave me a shirt as a gift for doing them a favor, and after a few minutes they asked me to buy that same shirt HAHAHA

I remember a letter from Beau that said something like: "I dreamed of Isabelle becoming a horrible, gigantic monster, thank goodness you saved me! I'm sending you this gift to thank you"

Or Biskit once wrote to me: "I'm doing a crossword but I can't understand the word... he says it's a puzzle game where you have to guess the words vertically and horizontally... can you help me?"

Or Rod who once wrote to me something like: "You're a really important friend! You're my number one rival, I wanted to let you know how much you meant to me... So are you coming to cut my lawn?"

Something that really cracked me up happened during Bug Off.
Roscoe was trying to catch a critter with the typical slow walk when you have the net in your hand and press "B", I didn't even notice him, I walked in front of him with nonchalance, the bug ran away and he left angry with smoke coming out of his ears HAHAHA With Roscoe it's even funnier because he has yellow eyes when he gets angry, which makes the red pupil stand out!

Once Fang and Julian were talking about their hairstyles. Julian asked me which of the two had the better hairstyle and I decided to be honest (also because I like to see the different reactions of my villagers) and I said that he had the better hairstyle. Then Fang replies RESIGNED, sighing: "you didn't even have to think about it, didn't you?"
It was funny but I also wanted to punch Julian for the first time, poor Fang😭
A few days later I played the Fool Day and I discovered that Fang's secret dream is to become a hairdresser 😭😭😭
Edit: I just remembered that I wanted to punch Julian because he rubbed his "victory" in Fang's face and walked away happily humming...

Or even that time Cherry was arguing with Biskit because she tried to talk to him seriously but he kept talking nonsense LOL

I also remember a very sweet and funny thing that is a dialogue typical of peppy villagers, basically Patty runs to me all sad: "Ruby, I heard those flowers talking behind my back! They say I'm a terrible dancer! Tell me it's not like that!"
And obviously I consoled her, I didn't have the courage to answer her badly HAHAHA

But one of my favorite dialogues is the one between Amelia and Chops. It really made me laugh out loud!
Chops basically tells me that he and Amelia were organizing a theater show, at the beginning he compliments Amelia and tells her that she should be the princess, and Amelia replies something like: "I don't feel very comfortable with this role but thanks anyway"
Then Chops says something like:"Ok Ruby you will be the typical magical fairytale pig who defeats the evil enemy! So what role could I play?" (You are the pig, Chops! LOL)
Anyway I answer him: "my companion/assistant" (I thought that answering "the prince" was too obvious) and he suddenly says:"Yes Ruby! The magical duo against the hag Amelia!"
And Amelia gets really angry and tells him all sorts of things HAHAHAH
"First I'm a princess and now a hug?!?"

I really miss all the villagers I have had over these 7 years💔
I'm sure that a lot of fun things have happened in these 10 years of playing (even counting the towns I've reset) and I'm sure I've forgotten them all, but I still carry the joy they gave me in my heart💕

P.s. These threads absolutely deserve to be remembered:

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