What's shorts weather to you?

What's shorts weather to you? Pick the lowest temp you consider comfortable to wear shorts regularly

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Nefarious did this.
Yoshi's Islanders
Jun 11, 2005
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The Bell Tree Fair 2017 Patch
Tetris Grid
Somewhat related to the legs exposure thread, but also not really... what temperature do you consider the right time to bring out the shorts? I find this varies quite significantly between different people, and often is based on the kind of weather someone is used to where they live. For those in hot climates year round, I guess this doesn't really apply, but for the rest of us who experience seasons it's interesting!

This is on my mind because where I live, we're getting our first 60F+ days this weekend, and I was thinking about whether I'll bring out the shorts or not to celebrate! Winter is over, finally! Good riddance.
To me it's never, but as a Canadian it's 10 C, especially if it's sunny and the snow is melting.
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this is like a slap in the face to us Australians. Where are the 28°C - 42°C+ options?? 😔
I guess it's seen as mandatory when more than 27C
I can wear shorts at any weather I want. But I do have common sense. For instance, if it goes below 50°F (10°C), I should wear pants.
Huh, I never really thought about the temperature, I should take note of that next time. But it's generally hot where I live so every day can be shorts day! I mainly base my "to shorts or not to shorts" question depending on where I'm going. If I'm going to a cafe or a mall then I wear pants most of the time since I get cold easily in airconed places. :]
I think somewhere between 60-65 degree F is a good range for shorts, anything 70 degrees and above is a must for leg exposure in my opinion.
My range is 18-21 C depending on other factors like wind and sun exposure. It has been 21-24 C here recently, so I've already brought out the shorts.

Fahrenheit is still an alien concept to me. I will never switch!
i said 24 but if im on holiday then less bc im in the vibe ! i mostly cba w shorts bc i have pasty white legs so i feel the need to self tan and that's a lot of effort
75/24 but if there was a way to wear long pants when it's hot without creating a swamp down under, i would definitely wear long pants. shorts are nice but i always panic thinking maybe you can see my underwear when im sitting bc i like wide pant legs.
Somewhere between 65-70F! I freaking looooove shorts and bare feet. I can't wait to not wear pants anymore!
I always go with 65 and above, anything lower and it's long pants for me.
I'd say around 65f/18c is comfy for me! It's hard for me to find shorts I really like so I don't own that many pairs that aren't pajamas, but I love when I can pull them out. They make me feel so free