What cozy/RPG to play on Switch?

RPG-wise i'd recommend sea of stars, buddy simulator 1984 (in the style of a text based computer game) and omori (psychological horror themes)

they're all single player journeys with really awesome story-telling and soundtracks! i played sea of stars and omori on my switch lite and didn't have any issues with gameplay.
I don’t know if it’s been mentioned yet but I enjoyed Ooblets on Switch a lot! If you just focus on completing the story it is sadly rather short, but I personally spent a lot of time developing my farm area, unlocking upgrades, collecting clothes/stuff for my house, searching for specific Ooblets, etc. Very cute and addicting imo but probably not for everyone.
I would also DEFINITELY recommend Ooblets!

It's very relaxing and enjoyable for me. It's like Stardew Valley meets Animal Crossing meets Pokémon. I struggled to get back into animal crossing for a while, but I got Ooblets and it is honestly my perfect game. It's really chilled out and I really enjoy it. If you like the games I've mentioned, you'll really like Ooblets.
I also recommend Ooblets! I find it very fun c:
I also love Cozy Grove. It is literally in the name; COZY Grove xD I've spent a ton of time playing both. They're very fun!

I enjoy Cassette Beasts, but I'm not sure if that's available on the Switch or not. Still very fun though! ^_^
Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town is a decent remake of the GBA game. The graphics aren’t great, but it runs well, is relaxing, and is a lot of fun.
While it’s not exactly a simulation game, Endless Ocean Luminous is relaxing to play. You can go on solo dives, scan and identify sea creatures, all while searching for treasure.