New New Leaf Town for the event!


Ancient Member
Poyo Puffs
Jul 30, 2006
Blue Hybrid Pansy
Cyan Heart Balloon
Night Sky Scenery
Space Whale Plush
Blue Feather
So, I started a new town today in New Leaf. I have the AC 3DS and it comes with a copy of the game pre-loaded, and that’s the save I reset, as I hadn’t really played that version before (my original town is on a cartridge). I named my new town Jupiter, and I got Punchy (who is my fave) right at the start! I was debating on resetting again, but it seemed meant to be that I got Punchy, so I kept it.

Has anyone else started a new town? I reset mine in anticipation for the event this week (my main town has a… regrettable name), so I’m really excited to play! What about you?
When I opened my 3DS my town was gone! I don’t know what happened. But I started a new one and have been time travelling to get my town up to speed. I’m excited for the event and I figure I’ll probably have to do lots of trading in order to keep up.
I bought a preowned copy for pretty cheap as I no longer had my game. I was expecting a presave but it’s empty so I’ll also be replaying NL for a bit! I’m pretty excited actually as I tried playing NH the other day and I just don’t like it
I haven't, I've had the same town since July 2015 (RIP original Boston) but it's always exciting to see people start fresh on a new save file 😌
I have 3 copies of the game, if that counts? I didn't want to delete my towns, so that's why I got more copies instead. Today, I have also realized I am just as emotionally attached to my second town as my first town.
Can't really say much about the third town, though. It's still somewhat new to me.
PUNCHY lucky roll!! Jealous. I didn't restart my town for this, but I do have a second copy loaded on to my old 3DS that I'll probably reset one day for replay
No I didn’t restart my game for this event, I still have the same town from when I picked up the game up in October 2015 (I think I bought it for myself as a bday gift). but I was thinking about starting over since it’s been awhile since I visited my town, but then I couldn’t muster up the courage to delete it lol.
i bought a third copy of the game late last year that i started playing, but i didn't get very far in unlocking things before i started getting distracted by personal projects and put it down again lol. so, it's no help to me for the current things i've seen needing the game so far. i'm going to load up one of my two older towns and just pray that nobody's moved. (i can't use the activity log trick because it doesn't see the two games as individual rip, and i can't remember which of them i played last.)