Smash Bros Kazuya gets ready for the next battle!


Go beyond! Plus Poyo!
Poyo Puffs
Jul 17, 2013
Spring Sakura
Spring Sakura
Spring Sakura
Spring Sakura
Spring Sakura
Spring Sakura
Spring Sakura
Spring Sakura
Spring Sakura
Spring Sakura

During the Nintendo E3 Direct today, it was revealed that the next DLC fighter for Super Smash Brothers Ultimate will be Kazuya from the Tekken series. While I haven’t played the Tekken series before, I’m really a big fan of characters in Ultimate that fight with their fists, and so I’m intrigued by the reveal and will be using him to see how good I can be with him. Even if you don’t plan on playing as him at all, what are your thoughts on this reveal? :)
As with all new additions to the roster, what ultimately matters to me is whether they're fun to play as. Hopefully Kazuya will be a bit more manageable for me than his fellow fighting game colleagues Ryu, Ken, and Terry. I can do all right with Terry in Smash Bros., but something about Ryu and Ken in Smash is unwieldy to me. Strange considering I'm actually good with Ryu, Ken, Sagat, and other such characters with similar playstyles in actual Street Fighter games.

As far as Tekken characters who could be added to Smash Bros., it was probably always only ever going to be Heihachi, Kazuya, or Jin, and Heihachi is already a Mii costume so it doesn't really come as much of a surprise. That said, Kazuya has never really been a member of the Tekken roster that I actually liked to play as all that much compared to others like Baek Doo San, Bob, Christie, Eddy, Hwoarang, Julia, Lee, Lili, Xiaoyu...etc. But again, I'm hoping I'll find him more enjoyable in this context. The Devil form definitely gives him some unique flare and appeal.

I'm looking forward to his arrival.
I don't have Kazuya, but I've been fighting him a lot online, so take my opinion with a grain of salt.
I think he's got a crazy damage output and scary punishes(one game I took 54% just because I failed to dash/jump away from him while using leaf shield). His grabs are kinda broken?? Is it just me, or Kaz can grab any part of your hurtbox? I got grabbed a lot in the air while being directly above him. If it's a feature and not a bug, then it's low-key unfair.
I also noticed that he has some troubles finishing stocks. Maybe it's just me being extremely dodgy all the time, but Kaz's attacks capable of knocking you out are slow and unsafe. Unless your shield is damaged enough to get broken in one or two hits.
All in all, I still don't know if he's fun for me to play against or not. He's slow and heavy which makes him hard to take out, and at the same time he can command-grab you with rage and kill at, like, 80%. Maybe even earlier for lighter characters. Good thing you can get rid of rage so it's just the matter of not being grabbed. I can't say anything about his combos being hard or easy because, as I said, I don't own the character. I just wish online Kazuya players would stop spamming "10-hit combo" while approaching you and realize that it's very easy to get out...I mean, it's a free punish for me, so...
I also don't have Kazuya, so similar disclaimer to the above.
I have yet to fight a really good Kazuya yet, so it's a little hard to determine what all he's capable of quite yet. I find that he's incredibly heavy. Like nerfeddude said, he's very powerful, but punishable. As a Bowser main, I was expecting to be given a taste of my own medicine by his side-B, however, I have yet to see this move used nearly as much as I was expecting it to be.
In my experience, 99% of Kazuyas begin the match with their ranged eye-laser move. I'm not sure why.
I'm sure some day in the future, when people have more experience, I'll be changing my tune.. but right now, seeing a Kazuya doesn't bring me the same feelings of concern and vexation as I feel when seeing certain other DLC characters (like Min-Min...).
I also don't have Kazuya, so similar disclaimer to the above.
I have yet to fight a really good Kazuya yet, so it's a little hard to determine what all he's capable of quite yet. I find that he's incredibly heavy. Like nerfeddude said, he's very powerful, but punishable. As a Bowser main, I was expecting to be given a taste of my own medicine by his side-B, however, I have yet to see this move used nearly as much as I was expecting it to be.
In my experience, 99% of Kazuyas begin the match with their ranged eye-laser move. I'm not sure why.
I'm sure some day in the future, when people have more experience, I'll be changing my tune.. but right now, seeing a Kazuya doesn't bring me the same feelings of concern and vexation as I feel when seeing certain other DLC characters (like Min-Min...).

My sparring partner for Smash (who has the skill of a competitive player but doesn't even play competitive online) and I were talking about Kazuya, and he mentioned how Kazuya is both a really fluid and really not fluid character at the same time, which is very weird. I agreed with him on this. While he is really powerful, he's also pretty slow and his movements don't always sync up with each new move.

Honestly, the first thing I do when I get into battle with him isn't firing my eye-laser move, but either closing the distance with shielding periodically until I'm close enough to land a hit, or just outright charging the opponent which sometimes catches them off guard, and delivering a kick. I'm willing to bet since he's still new that most of the Kazuya players you've fought haven't had the chance to get accustomed to him yet. I know I myself haven't. Either that or they're just noobs, lol. I have a feeling those who are able to bring out the true potential in him though will turn him into a dangerous and scary opponent.
His dash reflect is apparently extremely broken. It does a 2.4x damage multiplier. Video below shows just how ridiculous it is. Not going to play as him until they fix this.

His dash reflect is apparently extremely broken. It does a 2.4x damage multiplier. Video below shows just how ridiculous it is. Not going to play as him until they fix this.

LOL WHAT, I didn’t even know he had this move to be honest. I hope they fix this as well.