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Is there anything you never finished in NL?

i'm pretty sure that i never completed the museum in new leaf. also never earned all the badges.
I need to get at least bronze for every single badge. badly enough one of the badges I'm missing is for visiting others' towns 😅 I think it would be cool to have all gold badges but that could take me forever. luckily I still play pretty consistently, so maybe (though I won't lie I'm tempted to leave my original town as it is and move on to actively playing a newer town of mine).

I also haven't completed my encyclopedias, I literally only need a scorpion to complete my bug encyclopedia hsjfhdgshsjs
I also just discovered I never finished building my house! I’m kind of shocked, I thought I would have at least done that. Guess it’s time to grind out some bells.
I did complete quite a bit already, I think the only thing that will ruin that is the spotpass badge. I have no idea how I can really workaround this. I have a few old 3ds, but wether or not that works I dunno.

I do have another town, that I haven't done as much,and when going on it recently, there;s a gyroid waiting for money for the Katrina building.
I think I'll never get the perfect status in this town, because I don't really feel like doing it since I don't plan to renovate the town hall, I gave my all by getting all the public works🫠
obviously I will never get the streetpass badge, and I will never get all the silver or gold badges(I'm not that much of a completionist)
I plan to finish decorating all the rooms of my three characters (the fourth lives in a tent because it fits the aesthetic of the town), and I also have to decorate the exhibition rooms of the museum. But since I recently finished my town I took a break, I hope I don't abandon the project too easily HAHAHAH
For the rest I think I've done everything, I even decorated Tortimer Island (I still can't believe it)
Now that I think about it I still have to try all the tours on Tortimer Island, I hope to do this one too sooner or later!
my catalogue! (before rv stuff)

i remember working suuuper hard on it and doing so many trades, and i was super close! but there was one item that seemed impossible for me to get: the shogi piece

everyone i asked confused it for the shogi board instead, and i remember getting my hopes up and being disappointed every time! and then when i finally found someone with it... they never responded to me 😭

with that said tho if anyone has the shogi piece so i can finish the quest that the me of 11 years ago started... cough. coUGHCOUGH. please

EDIT: THE EVIL HAS BEEN DEFEATED thank you deana for putting an end to my 11 years of suffering
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I would say collecting badges, I primarily focused on certain ones.
What's not done is a lot more than what is done 😅 My museum is not done because I never properly played through the seasons of this game so I'm missing a lot. The badges I'm also missing a lot but I'm not really worried about collecting them.

with that said tho if anyone has the shogi piece so i can finish the quest that the me of 11 years ago started... cough. coUGHCOUGH. please
I have it if you are serious lol
PM me!
uh, basically everything. The only things it looks like I really managed to finish are collecting all the fossils for the museum and fully expanding my house. Otherwise there's so many things I haven't done that I'll never get around to doing, especially with online shutting down and making some things harder or impossible now, like getting a full catalog or all the badges. 😅
It's more like "what DID I finish" for me... I didn't really care much about NL.
I never finished the museum, but that's okay for me! I just try not to rush through the game and whenever I've had enough, that's fine with me!
i never finished decorating my 2nd and 3rd houses lol. i think i ended up using them as storage and kinda just forgot about it. plus i ran out of room ideas since i decked out my main house with all my favorite things.
I still have to complete the museum and I don't know if my goal of getting all gold badges is feasible lol
I haven’t finished a lot of things. actually now that I really think about it, I don’t think I’ve ever finished anything in new leaf. maybe one day I’ll get around to finishing things, esp the ones that don’t need online access. but who am I kidding? most likely not, lol adulting sucks all the free time out of me.
I never built the police station because it does not fit the theme of my town. I also never got all badges. Streetpass is impossible in a super small and rural town.

I never did the Streetpass either, and I have another 3DS! I could potentially get another copy of the game and get it.

But, I will not.
I never made the Roost or made a museum exhibit in my second town, and never upgraded to T&T Emporium. I did all of those in my first town, but I got pretty busy so it was hard to continue playing on my second.

I never tried to finish the catalog or the museum, or all the badges, but I don't see myself ever doing those things either
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i never got the tokyo tower pwp :( and my town was called tokyo... i eventually just gave up because grinding villager requests was tiring.