Hokko Life, yea or nei?


Unhindered Dreamer
Mar 3, 2018
Festival Lantern
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Fortune Cookie
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I've been wanting to get into other games and I'm kinda burned out from NH.

Is Hokko Life any good? I've heard its like NH but how much is it like NH? Is there outdoor decorating (being able to place furniture outside, fencing, landscaping [trees, flowers ect...] placing paths, ect...).

How customizable is the character? Are choices like hair, eye colour, clothing and accessories limited?

Is there any story goal to work torwards, like making a new building or expanding on already existing ones, really just any improvement to life things. Or like expanding your house.

Is there actually a farm and how big of a role does it play, or is it just for fun?

Are the mechanics easy to understand and accomplish (is making friends straight forward, is earning money tedious, ect...).

Are their paywalls or micro-transactions? If so, does the game force you to pay for these (limiting what you can do in a window of time, events cannot be completed cause the game forces you to be on it 25/9 like how Pocket Camp used to be)?

Also any other useful information would be nice to know, like if it's buggy or prone to crashes.
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Honestly, it's a very bare bones presentation of the Animal Crossing formula. It can feel very empty and kind of frustrating with how close it is to getting things right (but still missing the mark). - The main "pro" of Hokko Life is the furniture crafting. (When I say it's possible to make anything...I mean it's possible to make anything). You should look up some custom creations and see what people have made. It's quite impressive.

The mechanics are exactly what you would expect them to be...and the gameplay is likewise.

The "goal" or story is to rebuild the town, which has fallen into disrepair. There is a shop. There is a train station. There is an inn. Your main hub for story based quests is the inn. You talk to the innkeeper and they kind of guide you on what to do next.

There aren't any paywalls or micro transactions. What you see is what you get. - You try to improve your town day by day, and it can be frustrating how slowly it feels like things are advancing, tbh. - Unlike Animal Crossing, you end days just by going to sleep (more like Stardew Valley)...and I found myself ending whole days very often just because I didn't have anything to hold my attention.

Basically...it's fun for what it is...but there isn't much under the surface that you can't see just from a few screenshots or videos. If you enjoy creating custom items (or you can download community created ones)...then I'd recommend the game just for that.

It wasn't buggy or prone to crashes in my experience...it was just a bit "empty" feeling.

It's a pretty cheap game...and if you can grab it on sale for an even lower price, then I would recommend it just for what it is. But, I also wouldn't suggest paying full price for it. It's definitely one of those $15 or less type games.