Favourite kind of dinosaur? 🦕


axolotl girl
Squirtle Squad
Apr 24, 2015
Blue Crescent Moon
Yellow Crescent Moon
Night Sky Scenery
Blue Crescent Moon
Yellow Crescent Moon
Yellow Star Fragment
Toy Duck Plush
Bluebird of Happiness Plush
Bee Plush
Blue Star Fragment

Dinosaurs have been extinct for over 66 million years now, but they’re still some of the coolest dudes of all time! It’s sometimes hard to comprehend that they aren’t just make-believe creatures that inspired all kinds of different medias and characters, toys, clothes etc, but actual creatures that once roamed this Earth long before us.

I can never completely wrap my head around all of the changes that Earth and its inhabitants have experienced since its formation, and trying for too long sends me into a panic XNSJNXHC, but it’s still cool to look back on and learn about all of the different creatures that once lived. Including dinosaurs!

I’ve never been super into dinosaurs, but one of my favourite fictional characters is. They’re very fun to learn about! I’m curious if any of you are into dinosaurs, or at least have a favourite?

My favourites are Stegosaurus, Ankylosaurus, and all of the long-necked dinosaurs! It lowkey makes me sad that the Stegosaurus is thought to have been the dumbest dinosaur because of how small their brains were, but I also think it’s kind of funny that they were also thought to have had 2 brains, but they were still considered the dumbest dino. 😭 Their bony plates on their backs are also very neat! I like the Ankylosaurus for no reason other than I think they looked cool. And I love all of the long-necked dinos —they’re like silly historic giraffes to me—, but I especially like the Brontosaurus and the Omeisaurus!
if we're talking about a traditional, big roar-y dinosaur, i like stegosaurus! i used to have a plushie of a stegosaurus and it may still be around. steggy...

but also. chickens are technically dinosaurs and i love chickens so.
Stegosaurus is probably my favorite. A long time ago when farmville on Facebook was huge and looked a lot different, they had am olive stegosaurus with gumdrops for its plates and it was so stinkin adorable.
I also liked the duck billed dinosaur but I guess there are a bunch of them?? So, Parasaurolophus.
Bactrosaurus johnsoni is cute.
Triceratops was always my favorite for some reason, with the ankylosaurus coming in second. I think I enjoyed the tank-like look of them.

I know these aren't dinosaurs, but for some reason when I was kid with a cheap pack of historically inaccurate Dino toys, they always included sabre-tooth "tigers" and mammoths. I was always interested in them as well.
I’d say the brontosaurus would be my favorite dinosaur, though tbh, ever since I saw the movie Dinosaur in middle school, dinosaurs scared me (the carnivores) and I stopped liking dinosaurs 😅. Silly story but the thought of like the T-rex scares me just as much as sharks and even pictures of them scaring me.
I feel like there are no bad dinosaurs, I definitely had a little bit of a dinosaur phase growing up. Ankylosaurs are my favourite I think. There's something cute about them being big and flat and covered in little spikes. I also really like Hadrosaurs and Iguanodons! Herbivores are my kinda guys.
My favorite was always the Triceratops. I remember having to write and draw my favorite dinosaur in preschool. Back then, my art and handwriting weren’t good, so the teacher corrected it to Brontosaurus. I remember being angry at the time, but it’s funny in retrospect. Plus, Bronotsauruses are cool, too, as are those long-necked ones that swim. (Forgot the name. Is it Plesiosaurus?)
I haven't been into dinosaurs my whole life, to be honest, so bear with me. The only one that I can consider my favorite at the moment is this OC made by one of my online friends!

His name is Bronolie, and he's based on the Brontosaurus despite him having a short neck. I think he's the cutest dino!
Diplodocus is my favourite, though I really like the Brachiosaurus and Apatosaurus too or just generally most of the ones in the Sauropod family, think it's something about their long oversized necks I find fascinating and how big they can get. Outside of them I have a soft spot for the Stegosaurus.

Not truly part of the dinosaur family but it does end in -saurus so I'm doing a special mention for the very cool Plesiosaurus as well.
I don’t think I’ve ever really been that big of a fan of dinosaurs, but I will say triceratops is probably one of my favorites just from watching the og power rangers when I was little since Trini was my favorite ranger! T-Rex is also a pretty cool looking dino and I like the look of the plesiosaurus too. Also someone mentioned chickens are dinosaurs, so I like chickens too lol. I googled dinosaurs after I saw this thread and that got some unique looking ones, the history of dinosaurs definitely interests me though! I might have to dig a little deeper into it now.