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Does whether or not a person smokes/uses drugs affect your opinion of them?


Sep 20, 2013
I'm curious. I am very against smoking and I do not use drugs. I always dislike when people smoke around me, but if they have the courtesy to ask I usually let them, but I am never happy about it. The use of drugs by other people doesn't affect me, so I normally don't care if they do it. I'm always genuinely curious why someone would pick up the habit of smoking or using drugs, but I don't think negatively of them.

I personally think there being an age limit on cigarettes might entice people to start. Knowing you aren't allowed to do something makes it more intriguing. I'm not saying there shouldn't be an age limit, but it makes me wonder if less people would have started if there wasn't.

What do you think?
i don’t mind if someone smokes even if i am against it as long as they do it away from others. i understand that it can be near impossible to break the habit. but i do mind if i have to smell it because i am sensitive to it. i’m not opposed to being friends with a smoker, though i do not want to be friends with someone who smokes in their house around other people. secondhand smoke is deadly, and if you constantly smoke around others, you show you don’t care about their life.

the people i’ve encountered that do drugs keep it to themselves and at home, so i don’t encounter many situations where i run into someone taking them. i guess i’m neutral to that.
It depends. I hate it, but smoking is really only a problem for me if I can smell it or it's being done near me.
I uh, technically had a bad childhood in terms of this topic because my parents smoked around me all the time. I didn't notice problems until I got much older and I had to talk (er, yell) to my parents to convince them to start doing it outside. That's better at least, but I can't stand being around them the moment they come back inside because I can smell it.

As for drugs, I don't like that either and my only experience with the topic is that one of my family members passed away due to a drug addiction, so yeah. I don't know what else to say there.
I don’t want something like that to affect my opinion on a person, but I do think they should do it away from others like ribbitribbom said.
Nope. It's their body, their choice. I absolutely hate it when people flick their cigarettes on the ground, however. That's when I judge them. It seems like a common trashy thing to do, in my opinion. I also can't really take the smoke when I'm around it. I try not to say anything about it though.
I suppose it does disappoint me because I think tobacco (as are all drugs) is a nasty habit and smells foul to boot, but I don't think I would make judgments about their personality or morality unless I had reason to believe that these vices were intrinsically linked to some other issue. For example, if someone occasionally gets high for recreation or to take a load off after work, it's not something I necessarily like, but I'm not going to say it changes how I view them. If I find out that they get high and then physically abuse their family members, then of course, that would radically change my perception.

I personally think there being an age limit on cigarettes might entice people to start. Knowing you aren't allowed to do something makes it more intriguing. I'm not saying there shouldn't be an age limit, but it makes me wonder if less people would have started if there wasn't.
There is something to be said about the contrarianism of teenagers and their rebelliousness leading them to reckless activity, but I think the age restriction is the symptom, not the condition. Children of the 80's and 90's will especially remember how heavy-handedly parents, public educators, and even the government tried to steer children away from these substances to the point where they essentially taught children about the existence of drugs they would otherwise have never had any reason to know about. So even if the age restriction weren't present, you would still have authority figures urging their children to not start through any means necessary, which I think is slightly more enticing than simply adding an age label to it. It's a similar reason as to why the abstinence-only method of teaching the birds and the bees has been (charitably speaking) statistically ineffective against fighting teen pregnancy, though admittedly there's more nuance to it than just that.

For the record, raising awareness of the risks associated with tobacco or any other drug isn't necessarily a bad thing. It's just a shame that the people running these campaigns...


...were also not very smart.
I come from a place of no judgement if someone tells me that they smoke or use drugs. Everyone's got their own reasons for doing what they do in that regard. I just ask that they respect that I don't want to try either of those things myself or be in the vicinity when they partake in those things. I can't stand the smell of cigarette smoke and I've seen some of the gruesome things smoking specifically has done to my uncle in terms of his health. For those reasons I'm less likely to want to spend time with a person who smokes a lot. I won't let that affect my opinion on them as a person, but I don't necessarily want to be around it. As long as there's a respect for boundaries and they're not endangering anyone else, though, it won't affect my opinion of them.
To me, it depends.
If it is something hard or effects other people like heavy drinking or meth yeah I'm gonna have a negative opinion. The person doing that kind of stuff does harm others via abuse, taking from their kids' needs, or manslaughter. Yeah they could be hurting too, people make mistakes, even big ones, and I get that. I've had friends that struggled with this, but at the end of the day, it is a choice and they can choose to get help or choose to stick with a plan of recovery or not. Even if they have get up 10 times.

Weed or tobacco I dont care, it doesn't really effect others that much. They can go outside or whatever. (don't @ me trying to argue weed effects. It's simply not liquor and doesn't need to be compared to it. Heavy drinking is worse the end.)

But any addiction or over indulgence isn't a good thing. But I'm not going to think bad unless they are harming others and not doing anything about it. But if they aren't willing to do anything about it, I don't think they'd care what I think anyway.

I do think some drugs should be legal, and that may come as a surprise to others... But really destructive ones probably shouldn't. I mean, I dont really want to worry about some dude eating my face when walking my dog or going to the store, and that isn't an exaggeration. Some drugs turn people kinda rabid and the have high adrenaline which can give them "super human strength". More users could be around if it was legal, and it doesn't matter the amount taken unlike liquor or cocaine, spice of any amount, among other really hard drugs, does that kind of thing to people.
But I think there should be a lot of recovery and mental health help and support which is something that is sorely lacking in USA. I feel like many people who abuse substances whether the substance is seen as bad or not, suffer from mental issues, trauma, or medical issues they aren't getting help for. And some substances continue to damage the taker with use so, they may need to be institutionalize for life realistically because so much neurological damage is done and the person can't really live safely by themselves.
Secondhand tobacco smoke actually endangers the health of others, so I'd have a problem with it if they smoked it around others, considerably less so so if they only did it alone where others won't be exposed to it. But loved ones who smoke cigarettes are going to simply have to deal with me heavily pestering them to quit, because it's just too much of a health risk for me to abide by when it comes to people I care about. And it's a flat no when it comes to who I'd date.
Weed is fine by me though. I don't like the smell, but marijuana can have considerable mental/physical health benefits and is relatively harmless as far as substances go. My dad's been a stoner since he was younger than is probably advisable, and so are a fair portion of family friends (although for legal reasons I only found this out recently LOL), so nah, I don't think it affects my opinion of others.

Where hard drugs are concerned... those struggling with addiction have my sympathies, and I think more should be done to help people recover/not punish them for it, but I don't think I would feel very comfortable around someone actively taking them/on the effects of them in an in-person setting.
I’m a recreational marijuana user. It’s not something I partake in consistently or even regularly for the most part, but it is something I do. It helps me with my anxiety/depression on the really bad days, as well as my IBS. Whenever I’m having a really bad IBS flare-up and want to be able to eat something or get on with my day without ending up in the bathroom/with insanely horrible cramps, I’ll smoke a joint. I don’t know the science or the anatomical doings behind it, but it always puts a stop to my flare-up, at least for a few hours of relief. Smoking a joint also helps me sleep.

If I’m smoking, I’m always mindful of where I do it. I don’t do it around other people, or in any place where the smell would bother them, nor do I smoke if I know I’ll have to be around other people after. I also put my finished, put-out joint in the garbage after, so I’m not littering.

I’ve tried nicotine as well, only once, and I don’t like it. I won’t be smoking it again and don’t entirely understand why others do, but I care more about how a person treats me and others, if they’re a good person or not etc, than I do about if they smoke. I don’t condone it, and I would (and have) beg loved ones to stop smoking because of the effects it has on their health, but at the end of the day I sadly can’t control what others choose to do. I don’t think negatively of anyone because they smoke, I just ask that they don’t do it so closely to me that I end up smelling like cigarette smoke after. My parents did that when I was younger and still in school, and I constantly had fellow students and teachers complain to me that I smelled like smoke. I hated that.

In terms of hard drugs, I’ve never tried them (and never will), nor have I met anyone who has, so I can’t really speak on that. I can definitely understand how a person can get to that point, though. Addiction is horrifying and can turn even the best, most kindest person into someone devastatingly unrecognizable. I wouldn’t wish it on anyone. That being said, I don’t think I’d want to be around anyone who actively uses hard drugs. I wouldn’t think badly of them just because they use them (though, I imagine their actions and behaviours wouldn’t always be the greatest, and those could affect my opinion of them. But, addiction is a ***** and I understand that it makes people do terrible things that they wouldn’t do otherwise. It’s complicated), and I’d wish nothing but the best and sobriety for them, but I personally wouldn’t want to be around it. It’s hard to say for certain though, ‘cause I thankfully haven’t had to deal with it, so I don’t really know. My opinion and my reaction to the situation would depend entirely on the situation, and the person using the drugs.
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No, as long as they're respectful and don't pressure me into it and don't use it in a way that could endanger me. If you smoke, don't smoke next to me or in an enclosed space with me. That's really it.
Here’s my take on it:

Back when I turned 18, it was still legal to buy tobacco at that age. I tried vaping as it was the “hot thing”, though I quickly dropped it as I realized it’s a dumb thing to become addicted to, and thank goodness the nicotine never got to me, as they raised the legal age to 21 shortly after I turned 20 (No grandfather clause was implemented, so it screwed the young ones over who got hooked quick). Needless to say, the small collection of flavored juices and pens I obtained during that period were only thrown out very recently, and I don’t really know why I decided to keep them for that long.

Now others smoking doesn’t really bother me in normal scenarios, though it’s one of my biggest turn-offs and dealbreakers for dating - I’ll refuse to date a woman who does it in any form, cigarettes or vape, even in occasional social settings. No offense to any forum users here that currently do it, but it’s just my own honest opinion. While vaping isn’t as gross externally compared to cigarettes, it still has its major consequences internally. Lungs will go bad faster with vapes, and the risk of cancer remains high regardless of inhalation form. It’s just the bare facts.

Meanwhile with drugs, I don’t mind seeing them in movies or shows, and those that do it for comedic effect or as a parody make me laugh. Real life, however, it’s a major problem. Some drugs can straight up kill someone depending on the amount taken, and I can’t take anyone seriously if they do them at parties. I’ve only been to one party where greens were brought. I refused to try them, and left early after hearing rumors about a neighbor who assumedly called the cops. It was not a real fun time, and I don’t talk to anyone who went to that party these days. Also, when greens were on the state ballot to become legalized, I voted yes because I knew it’ll make the state lots of tax money from buyers.

Everyone’s entitled to do what they want to their body as long as it’s legal, though I’m definitely not a supporter of either.
Now others smoking doesn’t really bother me in normal scenarios, though it’s one of my biggest turn-offs and dealbreakers for dating - I’ll refuse to date a woman who does it in any form, cigarettes or vape, even in occasional social settings. No offense to any forum users here that currently do it, but it’s just my own honest opinion. While vaping isn’t as gross externally compared to cigarettes, it still has its major consequences internally. Lungs will go bad faster with vapes, and the risk of cancer remains high regardless of inhalation form. It’s just the bare facts.
It's funny you mention that, because I was going to talk about this in terms of dating sites. On every dating site I have personally been on, it has an option for you to list how often you smoke or drink alcohol, giving the options of "no," "often," or "occasionally." I would rather not date someone that smokes, but I don't think it's a dealbreaker for me.

I'm someone that less than occasionally drinks. I'd say I drink about once every few months, if that. When I do, the alcohol volume is always less than 6% as I cannot handle any more than that. I could definitely live without it, though. Examples of what I drink are Mike's Hard Freezes and Smirnoff Ice flavors.
No judgement whatsoever.

Sunak wants to phase out cigarettes in the UK by introducing a smoking ban that raises each year. It is effectively designed so that anyone born after January 1st 2009 will never be able to legally purchase cigarettes. I don't see it working but I'm very interested in seeing how it plays out.

I don’t know the science or the anatomical doings behind it, but it always puts a stop to my flare-up, at least for a few hours of relief.
A detailed explanation of how it impacts the immune system would probably bore you to tears, but if you're curious: the reason you experience this is that there are properties in marijuana, such as cannabichromenes, that inhibit the receptors that contribute to inflammation.
I despise both smoking and vaping. I'd love to see smoking banned in all public sectors as it's not nice walking past someone in public who then blows smoke in your direction and you end up inhaling it. The same goes for vaping as well. Sadly I know a few people who partake in smoking but at the end of the day I just let them get on with it, as they know full well it's harming them in the long run.

As for drug taking, I don't know anyone who takes them or is an addict, but like smoking I despise it and would like to see tougher laws brought into to deal drug dealers etc.
Honestly, to me smoking cigarettes and using drugs are two very different things. Incomparable for a question like this. Smoking cigarettes is almost the opposite of drugs in terms of doing it in public, outside, designated areas, etc., to which using drugs, often times (in my life), can be found around parties, inside, less public etc. I'd never judge anyone for doing either. Abusing is another thing. Cigarettes, I'm not a user. I don't consider myself a person who smokes, but if someone I'm close with had a hard day and just wants a cigarette and invites me to smoke one with them, maybe! It's a lot like drinking to me. Or closely related, smoking cigars. Very social. Something to do while you're chatting or decompressing.

Being a HEAVY smoker is different. Apparently, according to the centers for disease control and prevention, a person needs to smoke over 100 cigs in their lifetime (and actively smoking) to be considered a smoker. A heavy smoker is 25 or more cigarettes in a day. I don't know of any friends or close colleagues that would fall into either of these categories, but I think my grandparents were up there. I don't really like the smell or idea of what cigarettes put into your lungs, so I think I naturally don't associate with people who smoke heavily. So long answer for that one is no, smoking a cigarette doesn't affect the way I'd think about a person.

Drugs, as I'm sure everyone can probably agree with, is another one that isn't black or white. What do you consider a drug?? I'm constantly having Caffeine. Like, all day every day. Built up a pretty nasty tolerance. Alcohol, Weed, Nicotine are all also drugs that I'd say are super common in my life and the people I associate on the regular. Wouldn't judge people for that. Psychedelics like shrooms or LSD is pretty extreme to me, I've never really considered trying it. I know a large handful of people who pretty regularly would take things like that and they've always been awesome and nice people so I don't judge for that. Same thing for cocaine or other uppers/party drugs. Never done anything like that myself but I think that's just for lack of desire, I don't judge people for that!! I think if I were to maybe be a little judgemental, I think it's would be against people who abuse medicines or other downers like Lean or sleeping pills etc knowing how lethal it is, and not caring. That feels really wreckless to me, and I'd wanna evacuate from that situation 🏃‍♂️ I'm typing a lot, hoping to get a lot of TBT for this response but all this to say that I don't think I judge people based on their drug use either! Theres literally no need to judge anyone, like who cares ? It's their life and their desire for those experiences, who am I to judge someone for wanting to try something with the little time we all have on earth.
I could care less...their body, their choice. Like others have said, as long as their behavior doesn't impact me or anyone else in a negative way, I'm good w/ it! I'm a vaper myself and never do it around other people unless they partake themselves. Also, I'm against the drug war.
Everything in moderation and I don't really care what people indulge in. Though I would never date someone who smoke for example as they are affecting my health too by smoking around me and they would of course also affect my children. As long as you keep these things to yourself, don't affect others and don't get addicted my opinion wouldn't change. For me isn't about what they consume but about their actions and respect for those around them.
smoking, no. drugs, depending on which, yes. not in the sense that i equate doing drugs with being bad, it's more so that i develop the opinion we probably won't be socially compatible because we'll be in completely different mindsets within a social situation.

for example, if i am on a night out with my friends, i'll have a few drinks, smoke some cigarettes, sample someone's vape called something like 'pink guava lemonade sugar cloud' out of morbid curiosity, and take a few passes at a joint if there is one. i consider these to be pretty mild social habits and i only have about 10-15 nights like these a year. i don't drink or smoke anything otherwise, so i'm typically quite tired and mellowed out quite quickly because i'm not used to depressants. some of these friends will occasionally do stimulant/party drugs together but i won't partake because it doesn't really interest me, but i don't mind that they do because it's incredibly rare and easy to compartmentalise. i go home when i'm ready and these friends are typically the ones who stay out longest so it doesn't affect me! if this was something they did consistently and it set the tone of our outing, i would surmise that we aren't socially compatible because the effects would make them much more high energy than myself and would probably be accompanied by a long night of clubbing/dancing, which i don't like to do often anyway!

i would say vaping is the most prominent habit among people in my age and education demographic. people i know who smoke know the risks because they're well documented, but vaping has been branded until recently as a safer alternative to smoking - i think people engage in it more liberally than smoking/drinking as a result, and a lot of friends i know who at some point were using an elf bar a day were surprised at how bad their breathing had become and quit. the most common symptom i've heard of is a sensation of wet/crackly breathing from the vapour that can end up becoming very harmful. i don't judge anyone who habitually vapes, but i find myself walking past vape shop upon vape shop thinking about how we don't know the long-term effects of them yet.