Does It Scare You?

My own? Yes. Someone else? Yes.

EDIT: I went outside after posting this and the scream actually happened. A sudden shriek came from my neighbors, and it actually scared me more than I thought it would. Put a pit right in my stomach.

Fire alarms?
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We've been affected mainly by the strong winds caused by a tornado rampaging through an area elsewhere. Strong winds tore apart several trees and fences in my neighborhood, and that was scary enough.

Having a medical emergency in public?
No. If aliens were real, I don’t think they would want anything that Earth has. Unless Earth has incredibly rare resources that no other planet in the universe has, in which case I guess I would be scared.

Glaciers melting?
It’s actually pretty scary considering it can kill you within days. But I’m not scared of it since I was vaccinated. I’d be way more scared of having a kid and then they got it.

Forests at night?

Driving between two 18 wheelers when you're in the middle lane on a highway.