Community Advent Calendar - Closed!

The losing streak remains unbroken. I've been putting names in a random name generator to help me choose so this time it picked firesquids, and I'm hopeful that the streak will finally be broken in the last round.
Door 12 Results

The TBT member hidden behind door twelve was...



Please note that awards for this round will go out a little later in the day.
Thank you Chris for hosting! I've really enjoyed it and even the days I didn't get the door correct, I still got participation gumdrops! Hope you enjoy the rest of the festive season!🎄
Yay! I knew I would get this one!
I know this wasn’t the typical advent calendar, but this was still fun!

Do something like this again please!
I stayed at 7/12 😩 i’d say i did pretty good!! this event was fun, thanks for hosting Chris!! 😊
Aw, I didn't win this round. At least I won 1/3 of them. That's still a little impressive.

Edit: never mind, I miscounted. I only won 1/4 of them. I did way worse than I thought.
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