• LIVE A gaming event as part of The Bell Tree World Championship 2024 is currently being livestreamed on TBT's Twitch channel here -- spectators who chat on Discord can earn points too!

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  • hi, think i saw your thread about you looking for paintings?do you want a fine painting? i happen to have one spare! i can give it to you for 2tbt if that's okay?
    Darn, I wasn't feeling very well yesterday so I've only just come online now X'D But yeah whenever we manage to catch each other I'm able to drop off as long as there's space/you pick up as I drop off :p
    Hi there, sorry it took me so long to get back to you. It was 530am-ish when you posted this so I get the feeling we're in conflicting time-zones. Sorry this is proving to be such a bother. I'll be checking in with the forums every hour or so until I go to bed again in 12 hours so if there's anytime tonight/today that works for you please let me know ^-^
    Your inbox is full so just leaving this here instead: Thank-you, and yeah np, I'm totally cool with waiting, will set a reminder on my phone and PM/VM you on (just to clarify; next?) Wed night or sometime around then to make proper arrangements :p PS: I hope exam's aren't too stressful for you: good luck!
    Is it okay if you pick up, actually? I haven't set the items down yet but I'll do so now! My gate is open already because someone else is picking up items but feel free to come when you're ready :)
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