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  • Hi! Are you still doing avatars? I am looking for a Halloween themed one and I love the previous one you made me! :)
    Hi, I hope it’s really okay but can I use the Hermione Granger picture you made for honeyaura please? I did ask honeyaura too I think she’s okay with it and I said I’ll pay her for it~

    I hope you don’t mind.
    Its still a work in progress type of thing and awesome, I also love any spooky/creepy towns! If any need updating just tell me and I'll be able to in the morning~
    Hiya! Happy that you like my qr codes! :blush: I have two town's, Nighgate which I'm working on at the mo, i'm aiming for it be a spooky town! And Iva, my first town that doesn't really have a theme. I took a big break from ACNL so trying to get back into it~

    Nighgate: 6D00-00D7-3861
    Iva: 6800-5630-1473 {Might need to update it}
    Sounds good. Let me know when you update your da and I’ll check it out. I’m sure it looks great!
    I live the gyroids. I’ve been trying to add more to my house but as it stands I only have three. They also dont do cool things like yours do hahaha
    Hey, i told you a while ago that i was going to visit your DA, and I did, but then I couldn’t find you on the forums to tell you how much I love your town. It’s seriously perfect. I remember you said you thought our towns were similar, but no, i WISH hahaha. Could not stop laughing at that mourning gyroid.
    Hello there! I just finished visiting your dream town (had to go to bed last night which is why this post is late). For the most part, it’s pretty good. I can’t believe that you were able to line up the villager’s houses perfectly! Its probably just me but I think you should ease off slightly when bunching trees and bushes together. It makes me have a bit of a hard time navigating through town when I’m not walking on paths. Houses were nice too! There was one room that made me chuckle a bit and I don’t know if this was your intention. It had something to do with Franklin passing away with a sign saying, “He died so others might live”. Lol, this means that there’s just uncertainty for turkeys not knowing which day will be their last. About the incident of someone copying your town, I hope that you’ll pull through. I’ve already supported you by visiting your dream town and I’m not going to even bother visiting the wafflehangar’s dream address (I love when I uchis say wafflehangars).
    hi! i really love your town, and have already visited it's dream address twice. i especially like the nurse's home and the grey cloudy sky is a great touch
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