What is the hardest boss fight in video games for you?

I have been unable to defeat Arceus in Legends Arceus. I’m just really bad at dodging its attacks and timing my throws to weaken it.
Mike Tyson in the original Punch Out game.

I don't have the reaction speed to ever beat this. He also attacks at random intervals, so there's no memorizing him either.
Glad I read through other posts first. This was going to be my answer! On the original NES I never got close to beating Mike Tyson. I was only able to beat Super Macho Man twice, and promptly got destroyed by Tyson!

The Switch online version might be nice because (I think?) you can save? But on the original NES version, you had to start over and beat all 13 fights just to try again. It was brutal!
Probably a few of the bosses in Pokémon: Gale of Darkness. I remember the last, second last, and the guy dressed as a wizard being the most difficult for me.

That last one was so rough, esspecially since you are susposed to take all the shadow Pokémon, and all of the last guy's Pokémon are shadowed up. It was super hard. Since you basically just snatching up each of them one at a time.

But I will admit the Kongdom Heart's 2 bosses had me going crazy.
Right now it is Kingprotea in Fate Go. I have a lot of amazing units but none deal enough damage to her, not to mention the infinite hp buffs. I have trouble with all the fate go story bosses; I hate how many break gauges they have for some of them. This boss is the worst one yet I think; I can’t just wing it and use my leyline stones to finish her off.
Glad I read through other posts first. This was going to be my answer! On the original NES I never got close to beating Mike Tyson. I was only able to beat Super Macho Man twice, and promptly got destroyed by Tyson!

The Switch online version might be nice because (I think?) you can save? But on the original NES version, you had to start over and beat all 13 fights just to try again. It was brutal!
I think it's that you can rewind back to a point where you didn't mess up. It's an feature they added to the NSO.

I heard about how beating Mike Tyson was a big bragging right. I found an old Nintendo Power magazine. It was either one of the first issues or one of the issues before they made Nintendo Power. They had a column and picture for everyone that beat Mike Tyson or any other big gaming feat so they could have their wall of fame. Some of them even became like Nintendo Power's paid professional gaming consultants that people (probably mostly kids) could call up and ask for advice on how to beat certain games.

I never knew that was a thing back then, so that was kind of a cool game history tidbit to read about.
Let me start by saying Boss Fights in video games are subjective. That's why I appreciate this post clarifies which is your personal nightmare boss.
-Galdera, Octopath Traveler. He's the secret final boss in the first [and I think the second?] Octopath Traveler game. You have to fight 8 phantoms/shadows of prior bosses you fight- one for each character, usually from the chapter 3 or 4 boss fight- without being able to save in between. Then, you have to take the 8 travelers, split them into two teams, and fight Galdera twice. The first time with team 1, the second time with team 2. I've gotten to Galdera maybe 2 times in the past.... I'm not sure how many years it's been.
-As already stated, Volo from Legend Arceus can burn for all I care. I saw a video that was "vs Volo with Lyrics" by Juno Songs... the description said something like "wanna be traumatized by a tough fight against a blonde trainer in Sinnoh? wanna do it again?" in reference to Cynthia and Volo.
-The Gibdos in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom. I haven't encountered Gloom Hands yet, and when I tried the Gerudo part of the game I got so freaked out I deleted my save that was the farthest I had gotten b/c I'd rather go through the entire rest of the game again then deal with the Gibdos. When they looked like mummies, they weren't that bad. Now they look so insect-like and freaky. Seeing them move is horrifying, especially when they crawl or fly... oh yeah, if you haven't gotten to Gerudo Desert in Tears of the Kingdom, surprise, Gibdos are back and they fly now.
-Knucklemaster, Zelda A Link Between Worlds. My least favorite boss in my favorite Zelda game. [yes, above BotW and TotK]. It's the only Zelda I've 100%, multiple times at that. And I always save the dungeon with Knucklemaster- Skull Woods- for last because I hate it that much. Apologies Seres for leaving you for last. Not even Yuga-Ganon is as bad to me! Though this is more me hating that whole dungeon and boss than the boss being hard. It doesn't have the highest HP of the bosses- that'd be Yuga-Ganon, followed by the boss for Desert Palace, which I don't know the name of.
These are just some that come to mind when I think 'difficult boss fights', I'm sure there's others I'm forgetting... but I digress, that's my list. Galdera is for sure top of the list since I haven't actually beaten him yet. The Gibdos don't really count b/c I haven't fought Queen Gibdo and Gibdos themselves are just minions. The other two I've beaten repeatedly, but still deserve shout-outs.
I think it's that you can rewind back to a point where you didn't mess up. It's an feature they added to the NSO.

I heard about how beating Mike Tyson was a big bragging right. I found an old Nintendo Power magazine. It was either one of the first issues or one of the issues before they made Nintendo Power. They had a column and picture for everyone that beat Mike Tyson or any other big gaming feat so they could have their wall of fame. Some of them even became like Nintendo Power's paid professional gaming consultants that people (probably mostly kids) could call up and ask for advice on how to beat certain games.

I never knew that was a thing back then, so that was kind of a cool game history tidbit to read about.

Wow, Nintendo Power! What a flashback! I have several issues of those beginning with the first one! (They are worthless now because as a kid with two younger brothers they were WELL read 😆)

You are bringing back major memories! You are right, back then you could call a number for hints and such... it cost a lot of money per minute, so my Dad only allowed me to call once. I used my call to find out if there were any tricks to find the pink puff/pink tail in Final Fantasy 2 (now known as 4). Getting the pink tail was the equivalent to winning the lottery, and you could turn it in for... Adamant Armor? Or Adamant Sword? It's been so long I don't even remember. But the person on the line said that it didn't exist and I didn't know what I was talking about. Even though I saw my best buddy back then get it.

I hung up immediately and felt like the kid from Christmas Story after getting his decoder ring. It's all a money making scam 😆

I spent hours upon hours trying to get that darn pink tail.
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I agree with everyone who's listed Arceus from Pokémon: Legends Arceus. I had a rough time with Arcanine and Avalugg too.

The entire Vah Naboris section of Breath of the Wild was rough, and Thunderblight Ganon still gives me nightmares. I also thought that fighting the lynel before Vah Ruta was necessary until a friend told me you could just steal the arrows and skedaddle. Welp. I fought it over and over again until I won anyway. Wish I would have known sooner but hey. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Wow, Nintendo Power! What a flashback! I have several issues of those beginning with the first one! (They are worthless now because as a kid with two younger brothers they were WELL read 😆)

You are bringing back major memories! You are right, back then you could call a number for hints and such... it cost a lot of money per minute, so my Dad only allowed me to call once. I used my call to find out if there were any tricks to find the pink puff/pink tail in Final Fantasy 2 (now known as 4). Getting the pink tail was the equivalent to winning the lottery, and you could turn it in for... Adamant Armor? Or Adamant Sword? It's been so long I don't even remember. But the person on the line said that it didn't exist and I didn't know what I was talking about. Even though I saw my best buddy back then get it.

I hung up immediately and felt like the kid from Christmas Story after getting his decoder ring. It's all a money making scam 😆

I spent hours upon hours trying to get that darn pink tail.
You might like this YouTube clip! They did a skit about that Powerline coming back for the Switch NES Challenge game.

That's a shame! I'm guessing it's impossible for all of those consultants to know everything. It's getting late and I need to get ready for work/bed soon, but tomorrow I'll try to find that magazine and share a pic (bought it at yardsale) with all that powerline info.
There’s probably harder ones, but these were the first that came to mind.

First there was the final boss of Sonic Unleashed. It was probably one of the few aspects of the game I actively didn’t like, and I actually liked Eggmanland and the nighttime stages. There’s two phases, but the issue is mainly in the first phase. The first phase is split into two parts where in the first part, you’re slowly moving towards Dark Gaia while avoiding fireballs he throws at you or punching them if you’ve realized you can’t dodge them. You have a health bar that you have to watch out for since you can’t restore it on your own. It just drags on for a while and it’s not hard but not fun either. Then you do some QTEs which are also kind of mindless, and then the next part has you running through the temple as Sonic, which is basically just a usual daytime stage which I normally love, but you’re on a time limit and there’s a lot of annoying obstacles. Since I’m being forced to do it rather than just replaying the stage for fun since I like them, I find it more annoying than it would usually be to learn the obstacle placements and dodge them. You have to do everything here three times, and the first and second time it’s manageable, but it gets insane on the last go. At the very least your health during the first section is restored between each one, but still. The QTEs in particular get really tight unless you’re doing this one exploit I always use to make them easier, but if you fail, you have to redo that entire section and your health doesn’t refill. Then the Sonic section is just as bad, and you’re allowed almost no room for error. So you’ll just end up dying a ton. The second phase is much better where you play as Super Sonic and have to destroy Perfect Dark Gaia’s shield by boosting into snakes, though it is dragged down a bit by the ending being flooded with QTEs, including one where you have to mash the X button 60 times (also ran into a rare glitch that I don’t believe is documented anywhere on the internet besides here). I just found the first phase poorly designed and irritating, and it’s definitely not helped by the game sending you to the boss right before when you get a game over, and not ranking you on your first playthrough for arbitrary reasons. Not that it would have been a good rank anyway, but still. I was just forced to grind for lives to keep my sanity.

The next one is Mario and Luigi Dream Team. The game’s normally not super hard, but there’s a Hard Mode you get when you beat the game, and that one is. I feel like some of the difficulty is just from the game sending you back to your last save point when you game over, essentially either forcing you to rewatch every pre-boss cutscene if you ever lose to that boss, or risking you losing progress if you don’t want to save before literally every enemy encounter. It existed in the first three games but those games didn’t let you save whenever you want, while this game does, so it makes no sense to be a feature other than to add artificial difficulty. But it’s still generally pretty hard without that. Early in the game, the enemies can easily two-shot you while you’re slowly chipping away at their health. The bosses are mostly not that bad, you just have to watch out for attacks, like how Mammoshka kept killing me with this one giant rock attack that’s really annoying to dodge. They’re pretty hard, but they can definitely be beaten, especially with the right Bros. Attacks. Thanks to that and the fact that you’re leveling up, I felt like the normal bosses and enemies actually got a little less painful to deal with the longer you played. On the other hand, the giant bosses in this mode are crimes against humanity that most definitely get harder as you go on. It’s mainly because I don’t like the controls of these in the first place, and now I have to do them but basically perfectly since healing isn’t as viable and you can’t level up to make the fights easier. The first two are fine but then Earthwake was a huge pain in the ass, mainly because of his hammer attack that shreds your health if it hits you but requires being deflected with perfect timing no less than seven times back to back, and the fact that beating him efficiently, which by extension lessens the amount of times he’ll use that attack, involves basically destroying your touch screen with the stylus. Somehow the Zeekeeper fight was even worse. It was so bad I actually stopped playing here. It was bad in the main game, and I was dreading it here. The main issue, besides the fact that he’s constantly running away from you and you don’t have many chances to attack, is that he has one attack that forces you to use gyro controls, but I swear that at least 80% of the time they just don’t work well. Then, by proxy of it being hard mode, your attacks are basically scratch damage but he just destroys you with all of his attacks. It’s mainly that attack that made me stop playing because I genuinely felt like the gyro controls made dodging the attack impossible, plus my 3DS was crashing a lot and the last thing I wanted was that to happen right after I beat the fight. It’s probably the only fight on this list I’d say was truly awful and not just frustratingly hard, and I would absolutely never try it again if I did manage to beat it. Also, like I said, since it sends you back to your last save point, you’re forced to rewatch the cutscene every time you die, which gets unbearable.

Also, one more thing I wanted to mention is the Wily Capsule from Mega Man 7. Everyone says it’s the hardest boss in the series but… well, yeah, it’s definitely hard, definitely the hardest final boss in the Classic series specifically, besides maybe the Mega Man and Bass one or the one from the second GameBoy game. That elemental orb attack is genuine bs. But I feel like if you have a full set of four E-Tanks, and maybe one or two W-Tanks because Wild Coil is a trash weapon, it’s not as impossible as it’s made out to be. Don’t get me wrong, it’s still super unfair, but just having that many healing items makes it that you should be guaranteed the win. It’s just that I was thinking I would be stuck here for an hour but it wasn’t that bad. It definitely blows that they force you to replay the entire boss rush and the fairly easy first phase before getting another chance at it, but still.
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You might like this YouTube clip! They did a skit about that Powerline coming back for the Switch NES Challenge game.

That's a shame! I'm guessing it's impossible for all of those consultants to know everything. It's getting late and I need to get ready for work/bed soon, but tomorrow I'll try to find that magazine and share a pic (bought it at yardsale) with all that powerline info.
Not sure if it's true, but it sounds Ike they brought back the actual people for that video, from way back in those days to act out what they would actually tell people in those hot lines!
Not sure if it's true, but it sounds Ike they brought back the actual people for that video, from way back in those days to act out what they would actually tell people in those hot lines!
Yeah they did! The one's that were originals had their old retro game counselor pic at the bottom of the screen. I think there was 3. The 1st guy, lady, and the last guy. It's still cool that they were able to make it happen and get into contact with them to do the skit.

They last guy even did the joke 'samus can't crawl' for context Wii U had its own social media for games called Miiverse. Someone made a post for Metroid 'Why can't Metroid crawl?' cause they didn't know where the morph ball was lol.

EGG DRAGOON FROM SONIC GENERATIONS. Nothing else even comes close.

Let me take you all back to 2013. It is the summer after my high school graduation. A friend of mine is living with my family + working for my parents part time, her sister has come to stay the summer, and neither of them grew up with video games at all. Somehow I corrupt these two incredibly responsible, serious young adults and we start having 10+ hour marathons of every Sonic game I own. My friend and I play Sonic Generations daily, for months. All the star rings. All the secret unlocks. S-ranking levels.

We still cannot beat the final boss. We try and we try up to the point where we start saying "Time for some extra credit!" in an Eggman voice during our normal everyday lives. I look up strategies online and find forum post on forum post from people asking why this boss fight is the worst boss fight in the history of video games. Eventually we decide it's no use and we must move on to other things.


Fast forward to summer 2023. My friend, who lives in another state, has come to visit me. We decide it would be funny to boot up Sonic Generations and see if we can finally get some closure after a decade. After 10 or so attempts, with my friend (the quietest person I've ever met) literally screaming on the couch beside me, I somehow make it through every phase of this #*@&#& Egg Dragoon, get jumpscared by a FINAL final boss, make it through THAT boss in one try due to sheer adrenaline and terror, and beat the game. Roll credits.

I checked out the Sonic X Shadow remaster of Sonic Generations recently. Replayed the whole original game for nostalgia's stake up until the very end--that Egg Dragoon can languish in obscurity for the rest of my life, as far as I'm concerned.