Place your random thoughts.

i found a fic of one of my favorite pairings.... 100k words completed, modern AU, slow burn, enemies to lovers?? and NOT a crack/plotless fic?? i think i ascended to heaven im SO excited to start this 😭💕
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After playing inkling girl in super smash bros it's really making me wanna play Splatoon again
come play splatoon.... u know u want too.... ooooo 🐙🦑
In math, there’s this one kid that always asks me for help because he can never do any of the work on his own, and so I usually just do it so he’ll leave me alone. Anyway, sometimes instead of just asking for help, he’ll just ask me for my notes and write down what I put. I just let him do it because again, he’s just gonna be annoying about it if I don’t let him do it. But then last Friday when he asked for help, he just… lost my notes somehow. So now I have to do all of those all over again, and I still have work and notes for science to do and I’m probably going to have more homework too, but I have to go to that DnD club today so I won’t even have as much time. Needless to say, I’m a little pissed off right now, just a teeny tiny bit. 🙃 **** that guy, I’m never helping him again.
I like the commercials I hate subreddit, but for a while they were being nasty to my boy Jason Kelce. 😭 I know you don’t want to see him in commercials all the time, but that is one gorgeous man! Obviously I could do without his brother and Taylor Swift, but keep showing Jason! 😍
If a drink is placed to my right at a restaurant, I'm subconsciously going to grab the one on the left due to being left handed.

Higher end restaurants like to place drinks to the right, so yesterday I ended up grabbing to my left and accidentally drank my mother's water.
I’ve noticed that the book and movie Dear God, Are You There? It’s me, Margret is literally the only time girls are extremely excited to get their menstrual cycles. That’s something I have always found strange given my sister never looked forward to that time of the month.
I want tarot cards. I wanted them when I was a teen, but never got them.
Also, I'm writing a story where one of my character uses them to do readings in school or at her hangout. She's kinda infamous for her readings and yet, others still goes to her and it also plays a role in the story for my main character (who is also her childhood friend).

And there's a catch, she doesn't have real tarot cards because her parents won't allow her to have them. So she's using an alternative for them. If that makes since. Because of this, I'm going to do some research on them...or give her a crystal ball.
at this point I know that egg prices are gonna keep rising and I've pretty much just told myself that I'm only gonna buy eggs as needed for baking/cooking. I used to like to buy eggs to fry them for breakfast, but at this point it isn't cost effective at all. besides, half the time they don't sit right with me anyway, so it's probably for the best.

with that, I'm intrigued to see how high the price of eggs will go. will we soon see a dozen eggs costing $9.50? that would be insane, but I remember a time when they cost 58 cents, and now they're nearly seven times that cost. it'll be interesting to observe.

I’ve noticed that the book and movie Dear God, Are You There? It’s me, Margret is literally the only time girls are extremely excited to get their menstrual cycles. That’s something I have always found strange given my sister never looked forward to that time of the month.
I can think of a few instances where someone might be happy to get their period haha. I never am though 😭
I can think of a few instances where someone might be happy to get their period haha. I never am though 😭
That’s what I mean. Once they get it, they are never going to say “Oh boy! I can’t wait until I go through menstruation every single month until I hit menopause! Unless I get pregnant and then I can’t wait to have something grow inside of me and be ejected from my body nine months later!” I get the book was written in the 70s but seriously, what girl is going to be super excited to get her first period after learning what will eventually happen to her body? This is equivalent to a boy getting super excited that his voice will eventually crack and be unable to keep the same pitch until after puberty ends and he’s going to get hair everywhere.
I love black cats. I'd like to have one someday (never owned a cat ever) I always have my neighbors cats around though. Their white cat sleeps under my grandma's white honda. For camoflage purposes perhaps?
To charge their solar battery. *Macintosh boot up sound.*

I love all cats and animals. The whole bad luck thing is silly.

at this point I know that egg prices are gonna keep rising and I've pretty much just told myself that I'm only gonna buy eggs as needed for baking/cooking. I used to like to buy eggs to fry them for breakfast, but at this point it isn't cost effective at all. besides, half the time they don't sit right with me anyway, so it's probably for the best.

with that, I'm intrigued to see how high the price of eggs will go. will we soon see a dozen eggs costing $9.50? that would be insane, but I remember a time when they cost 58 cents, and now they're nearly seven times that cost. it'll be interesting to observe.
My one neighbor offered me some chicks one time and I might just take them up on the offer this time if it ever gets that high lol. So much is so expensive now. I love grapes, but I'm not paying $10-15 for a bag of them. I tried growing them a few years, but it never did right. Mainly cause the first time I was lied to and it was wine making grapes and then I bought one that was the right type, but there was so many seeds it was like I was chewing through buckshot. Plus they grew wildly out of control.

I think I might do a lot of research and buy two. And maybe find a way to preserve the remainder I can't eat.
Once they get it, they are never going to say “Oh boy! I can’t wait until I go through menstruation every single month until I hit menopause!"
yeah I remember being very confused and not excited at all 🤣 I've never read that book so now I feel like I need to figure this out for myself lol
I want tarot cards. I wanted them when I was a teen, but never got them.
Also, I'm writing a story where one of my character uses them to do readings in school or at her hangout. She's kinda infamous for her readings and yet, others still goes to her and it also plays a role in the story for my main character (who is also her childhood friend).

And there's a catch, she doesn't have real tarot cards because her parents won't allow her to have them. So she's using an alternative for them. If that makes since. Because of this, I'm going to do some research on them...or give her a crystal ball.

I had some similar to tarot cards but they weren't exactly tarot cards when I was wiccan. I got them to mess with them some and decided the idea of card reading is pointless. However that isn't exactly why I am commenting. I wanted to mention that tarot can be done with regular playing cards and regular playing cards descended from tarot. (I personally believe because that is a fact that perhaps tarot was originally a game lost to time and became what it is today).
Other things to look into are runes or bones for your character.
Something similar can be done with a pendulum and various items of meaning but I personally consider pendulum stuff to be a completely different practice.

Oh yeah and I forgot about coin flipping and dice rolling. The coin flipping thing is based on the idea of a matrix and after asking a question the first flip will be a real answer. I think the magic 8 ball is loosely based on the idea but it uses a many faced die and no number values.
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My one neighbor offered me some chicks one time and I might just take them up on the offer this time if it ever gets that high lol.
I think it would be nice to have chickens, but I live in the city and I'm not sure if there's a law about that. also I have a puppy who would probably chase them all over the place 😅
at this point I know that egg prices are gonna keep rising and I've pretty much just told myself that I'm only gonna buy eggs as needed for baking/cooking. I used to like to buy eggs to fry them for breakfast, but at this point it isn't cost effective at all. besides, half the time they don't sit right with me anyway, so it's probably for the best.

with that, I'm intrigued to see how high the price of eggs will go. will we soon see a dozen eggs costing $9.50? that would be insane, but I remember a time when they cost 58 cents, and now they're nearly seven times that cost. it'll be interesting to observe.
It’s crazy how much eggs cost . So I have only been buying a few at a time and buying the store brand. I work in a grocery store and by the end of the day we are pretty much sold out of all the eggs. We already have the expensive organic ones costing over 10 dollars for 12 eggs. So not sure how much more they will go up but it’s already pretty expensive now.

I did at one point have chickens but can’t have them where I am now.
I think it would be nice to have chickens, but I live in the city and I'm not sure if there's a law about that. also I have a puppy who would probably chase them all over the place 😅
Understandable! There's some things you can't do depending where you live. I would love to grow all kinds of fruit-bearing trees, but my region is too cold and they would die. I grew an avocado by seed, but I can never plant it outside since it will die. So one day it'll get too big for me to keep bringing inside.

If I were to have chickens, I would need to make some really big coop that was caged in. There's too many foxes and hawks around. So that's a big investment just for some eggs 😆
It’s crazy how much eggs cost . So I have only been buying a few at a time and buying the store brand. I work in a grocery store and by the end of the day we are pretty much sold out of all the eggs. We already have the expensive organic ones costing over 10 dollars for 12 eggs. So not sure how much more they will go up but it’s already pretty expensive now.

I did at one point have chickens but can’t have them where I am now.

If you have the drive and space, you could set up a quail habitat. They are a small social bird that can be housed in your house easily. Three of their eggs is about the same as a chicken egg. They need a low ceiling in their enclosure. Their enclosure can be built with wood and pond and seal. The wood could be and old display case cabinet or from scratch. If you use peat moss and live plants and spring tails and other little harmless bugs, you could turn the dirt. If the bugs aren't ideal, you could just change the dirt out with new dirt. Dump the old dirt in a bin outside and let sit for 6 months and turn every now and then. Then you can reuse that dirt again.