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Opinions on Time Travelling?

Usually I don't time travel days at a time, I mainly just set the clock back and forth because I work from 8am-4pm, and sometimes I play before work and want everything to be open so I can go ahead and sell fruits, fish, and fossils and browse the shops before I have to get off! And once I'm off work, I usually play until it gets dark, or go ahead and set my clock forward so I can go to the island for some bugs and fish.
I really only use tt to keep villagers from ninja moving away. If there was a feature to keep favorite villagers from leaving, I would probably never tt. It is more fun to participate in events like Easter or Halloween when the event is actually happening in real life. I am more in the festive mood then.
I used to TT back in the day when I first created my town, but since recently coming back, I don't feel the need to do it anymore.
I find that it takes the fun out of it. Playing the game normally gives me something to look forward to.
Plus I don't want to risk losing any villagers as I am content with who I have in my town right now c:
I don't think TTing is really a bad thing, I think it's better to try to stay on the game's path when you can, or when you're just waiting to do small things that you don't deem as important. But if maybe you're in the process of making a room and you're becoming impatient with waiting for things to come in or for plants to grow then tting to get it quicker isn't really horrible! And also if you're awake and it's too late to really do anything cause the shops are closed, then tting to when it's day isn't bad either, especially if you plan on putting the time back to where it was.
I don't think there's a problem with it. I always say I'm going to play my town in real time, but then I get impatient and TT. I'm probably going to do it again with the town I started last night. OOPS.
I always time travel when I've ordered a bunch of items from the catalog, or I want to order more than 3 items from an RV. However I always make sure to TT back to the real life date. It bothers me greatly to not have my town be on the right date. But, I would never consider time traveling cheating or immoral. Everyone plays the way they want to c: Sometimes when your town is fully developed all you have to do during the day is talk to your villagers or maybe do a meow coupon initiative and then I can understand why people travel to the next day so that they can keep playing for a little while longer.