How old were you when you played your first Animal Crossing game?

How old were you when you played your first Animal Crossing game?

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Don't got a wish-list, I got a hit-list 📃🎄
Nov 13, 2024
Christmas Lights
Christmas Lights
Christmas Lights
Christmas Lights
Christmas Lights
Christmas Lights
Hot Cocoa
Gingerbread Man
Festive Bell
Friday the 13th Candy
Me, personally, I first played New Leaf in 2015 when I was 6yo on a hacked console. I lost it for a few years, and took it up again at 13yo (so I've been playing on and off for two years now) after I got a game card for ACNL for Christmas.

So yeah I'm giving two options in case you don't know exactly how old you were when you first started (ie you might have started at 12 or 13, but you can't quite remember which).
i think i was around eight? i experienced wild world and city folk pretty close together, but i believe wild world was first, and then we got city folk around the time it initially released here. i still have my two copies of wild world, so sometimes i'll reset them just to experience the nostalgia and music of that game. they're really cute and hold a special place in my heart, though there often isn't enough to do in them to hold my interest for very long. i'd love to revisit city folk at some point, because i have fonder memories of the city, the two-tiered town layouts, and fishing up villagers' house keys lol. i think we still have our copy of that, too, but setting up the wii u is a pain by comparison, so i haven't opened that game in years.
My first AC game was New Leaf a year or two after its release. I think this was when the price dropped to $19.99 as part of the Nintendo Select collection. I got it because it was affordable and I really wanted to try out the series. I liked it but I wasn’t playing daily for hours at a time. I was mostly trying to collect items and unlock all of the stores and buildings which I was never able to do. I ended up erasing that Town after two years of hard work because Goose ruining literally everything in my game and he just refused to leave no matter what I did. I tried hitting him and purposely planting Pitfalls all around his house, and even began sending him threats to either move or else become the main course of a fancy dinner hosted by me.
I think I was either 9 or 10 because I remember making an animal crossing board game for class using the mini figured in 5th grade lol, I played wild world first so I've been playing a long time! For context I'm 25 now lol! I have every main line animal crossing game (English version wise) and every spin off except amiibo party since I never had a wii I lol, its been my favorite game series since i was a kid!
I ended up erasing that Town after two years of hard work because Goose ruining literally everything in my game and he just refused to leave no matter what I did. I tried hitting him and purposely planting Pitfalls all around his house, and even began sending him threats to either move or else become the main course of a fancy dinner hosted by me.
Not Goose being one of my current villagers 💀
I was 4 when I first played wild world. I had a character on my mum’s game at first but I got my own DS and copy of wild world for Christmas when I was 5. I honestly can’t even remember life without animal crossing 😅😂
I got Wild World (my first AC game) as a Christmas present in, I believe, 2007-2009, when I was 5-7 years old! My memory is ass LOL, so I've never been certain of the exact year and age I was when I played AC for the first time.
Uh, I think in high-school, so sixteen? My first animal crossing game was Amiibo Festival. My friend and I played it all the time. Pocket Camp was My first official time playing my own animal crossing game.
I was around 8-9 years old when I got City Folk (though apparently I had my copy of Wild World before that, but never recall playing it), and my earliest memory of playing it was in 2010, when I was 10 years old. It's kind of funny when you think about the fact that my interest for the series became way bigger after turning 18. Going into adulthood, I learned that it really doesn't matter if people consider Animal Crossing a "baby game". I really love my baby game, gosh darnit!
The calculator shows that I was at least 12 when I played Wild World. One of my siblings bought it for me.
I could've been age 9 or under, but I'm thinking it was at some point between 10 and 12? My friend had City Folk on her wii, and I got to play when I went over to her house haha
I got Wild World for Christmas when I was 12. I became super obsessed - I played it every day for 4 years after I got it (even after New Leaf came out).
I was eight years old when my brother got a Gamecube (which came with a few games, including Animal Crossing) for his birthday, in early 2008 😊
I was 13 when I first played the Gamecube version, but it wasn't my game. I didn't officially start playing until I was in my early 20's with City Folk and Wild World together.