Flowers I Didn’t Plant


Senior Member
Nov 13, 2020
I know this sounds so fake, but I wanted to see if anyone else had this happen. I restarted my island last month and have been playing day to day without time travel ever since. Three days ago, I got Leif at Harv’s Island and on a whim paid him to weed my island. The last time I tried to use his weeding service it didn’t work, but this time it did and I was pleased.

Today, I saw a blue hyacinth growing on my second tier cliff. They caught my eye because they’re one of my favorite hybrids (they remind me of lupins). The thing is, my native flowers are mums. I’ve never planted any flowers on the second tier either (I just got terraforming and had mostly been ignoring the second and third tier before now). I have also never opened my island to visitors. I was wracking my brain, trying to figure out if I was just crazy, when I remembered hiring Leif. That’s the only thing that’s been different.

Did he plant those flowers there when he did the weeding? I can’t find anyone saying so, but there’s so little information about his weeding service as it is. The only thing I can find talking about it was from back when the weeding service wasn’t working.