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Egnorth's Corral (formerly known as Acre B3)


TBT Old Timer
Retired Staff
Jul 31, 2005
Love Tokens
Cupid Coins
Heart Dust
Gingerbread House
Gastly Halloweaster Egg

Welcome to the offical Acre B-3Egnorth's Corral! This is the only official chat thread on the The Bell Tree Forums. This is YOUR chat thread, so it's up to you to decide what to do here. Of course, all usual rules apply. Please refer to the rules page for details.

Each month, the previous chat thread will be locked and we will create a new one. This will help to keep the chat thread manageable while still allowing you to keep your post count.

When you post in this chat thread, please do not make one-word posts such as "Hi!" and "Cool!" You don't always have to make full messages when you make a post, but as a general rule you should have something more to say than just one word. Please also refrain from chatting with yourself or posting just to rank up. If it gets out of hand you will be asked to stop. Posts here will add to your post count, as this is TBT HQ.

Most important, have fun!

(Thanks to NSider for providing us with a general base of rules)
Don't want this ot be dead, so here's somethin to chat about:
Do you guys (and girls, no offense) think that Acre B-3 ought to have its name changed. Now with ACWW and its no-acre system, it would be the right thing to do, so discuss, and we'll see what you think.
Nah, i think it should stay the same. Make's it classic.
i like it as B-3

:) but maybe the HQ could change to the town hall... if there isn't already a secret board called that :rolleyes:
i like it as B-3

:) but maybe the HQ could change to the town hall... if there isn't already a secret board called that :rolleyes:
I brought that idea up, but we still need to discuss more.
Mino said:
i like it as B-3

:) but maybe the HQ could change to the town hall... if there isn't already a secret board called that :rolleyes:
I brought that idea up, but we still need to discuss more.
which idea?
anyways, yeah, we should change hq's name maybe.
DarthGohan1 said:
Mino said:
i like it as B-3

:) but maybe the HQ could change to the town hall... if there isn't already a secret board called that :rolleyes:
I brought that idea up, but we still need to discuss more.
which idea?
anyways, yeah, we should change hq's name maybe.
The idea what TBT HQ should be called the Town Hall.
Mino said:
DarthGohan1 said:
Mino said:
i like it as B-3

:) but maybe the HQ could change to the town hall... if there isn't already a secret board called that :rolleyes:
I brought that idea up, but we still need to discuss more.
which idea?
anyways, yeah, we should change hq's name maybe.
The idea what TBT HQ should be called the Town Hall.

[quote="] I be here for my second time... Sad. [/quote]
Very. >__<

You be in the employee chat for like, what, the millionth time?
