I've been struggling to come up with a cute lineup for Valentine's Day, so following in the footsteps of Oblivia and Nougat, I'm leaving my February aesthetic in the hands of my fellow TBTers!
Using the collectibles visible in my Inventory, come up with a pink or Valentine's Day themed lineup (or several) and share them in this thread! After10pm EST on February 5th, entries will close, and shortly thereafter I’ll decide the winners and send out prizes!
♡ All lineups must be possible with my current inventory*—I’m hoping to have my Valentine’s aesthetic for most of the month, so I won’t have time to date-trade or buy new collectibles! *For those new to lineups, collectibles appear in your lineup based off their date, from newest in the top left to oldest in the bottom right!
♡ Lineups should reasonably fit the theme of pink and/or Valentine’s Day! The individual collectibles don’t need to match the color/theme on their own, as long as the overall impression of the lineup fits. Feel free to incorporate other colors or themes as well (ex. a pink/purple lineup or a Valentine's/night sky lineup)!
♡ You can come up with as many lineups as you like, in whatever format works best for you! If you come up with more later, try to edit them into your original post if possible!
♡ For my preferred aesthetics, I like matching backgrounds and two-row lineups! I don’t want to restrict your creativity though, so go wild! (❁´◡`❁)
♡ 1st Place ♡
The first-place winner will receive Julian, a Perfect Pear, and 100 TBT!
♡ 2nd and 3rd Place ♡
Second and third-place winners will each receive a Perfect Pear and 100 TBT!
♡ Participation♡
A remaining 300 TBT will be divided evenly amongst all participants (winners included)!
Ooh! This is such a fun contest! I’m not very experienced in doing lineups but I’ve been wanting a Julian so I’ll try my best! Thank you for the opportunity
Here are couple I could come up with! I will probably add more later ∩^ω^∩
Cool idea for what lineup to choose. Here's my attempt! Unfortunately the backgrounds aren't all matching, whoops. Everyone's look so good lol, I don't envy you having to choose between them all! Whichever one you choose, I hope you find the perfect lineup for Valentines! Thanks for the contest
Me picking a lineup where the bgs are all matching:
Me picking a lineup that will incorporate moon bunny:
wish the red feather was a purple or glam feather, so it didn't color imbalance the lineup via pulling from the perfect apple's red and that the perfect apple was maybe something else (red heart balloon, perhaps?), but ah well
This was harder than I expected! Also, sorry if I've duplicated someone else's, since I haven't looked at them yet! After much consideration, these were my favourite four that I put together. I mainly focused on pink, green, and heart collectibles (luckily you had a lot to work with)!
Thank you so much for participating, everyone!! You all came up with so many gorgeous lineup ideas (I am not exaggerating when I say it pained me to narrow them down to a top three askljfhjksh) and I really appreciate the effort that went into making these. My lineup block was Bad and I honestly wasn’t sure if a cute Valentine’s lineup was possible with my collectibles LOL, but my faith in my inventory has been thoroughly restored! I’ll probably be using several more of these lineups in the future ;v;