Buying Roses


Retired Staff
Dec 8, 2008
Timmy Christmas Doll
Togepi Easter Egg
The Bell Tree Fair 2013 Patch
Rainbow Feather
Gold Trophy (First Place)
New Year's Party Popper
Bell Bag Badge
Easter Bunny
Snow Globe
Not hybrids, just red/yellow/white
I will buy each for 1,000 Bells.
I only need maybe 20-25 so if anyone has some spares I'd be very grateful!
you can have some of mine! i think I have a few spares.

edit: and for free, since you did my garden :)
I have tons of flower bags lying around in my town, I'm sure you could have the roses! :)
Ok thank you.
I don't know when I'll be able to pick these up. Maybe in 10 hours. I'm very busy tomorrow so I'm gonna head to bed now, hopefully I can get some roses by tomorrow :)
Hey, I'm sorry, I sent that reply when I was going to bed! But I can give them to you tonight? :)
yes! but umm so joshua is in my town and i asked him to help me look for all roses alone in my town, and he picked up all the ones you had orderly in my garden...
so you can have some of those, and could you maybe also replant in order the remaining ones? I'm sorry :(

message me when you're ready!
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Yeah i'll be happy to do that, doesn't bother me.
Umm I can't really come today, so I can probably come around this time tomorrow, instead?
I might be able to come in about 40 minutes if you're still online then?

and plz ban josh from coming to your town
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