Recent content by zimzi

  1. zimzi

    Buying  Special S/V mon request!

    Bit of a long shot , but id love a shiny ditto caught on the 24th , with a destiny bond mark? (Or at the least a destiny bond ditto) I dont have much tbt but i can add some random home shinies i got from SWSH to lower price??
  2. zimzi

    Buying  pokemon! (Events or legends)

    Idk the worth of tbt exactly rn , but I've been lf event stuff for a good while and I can part with if it's a good price . I just wanna know if gonna have to save up or anything (Minus sword/shield events, also the older the event the better) I'm really into mons with stories and stuff For...
  3. zimzi

    Selling Closed!

    Sure ! Lemme know when you can get on (shes in boxes rn)
  4. zimzi

    Selling Closed!

    How much tbt? I'd be good with the that, 100k as well as the tickets
  5. zimzi

    Selling Closed!

  6. zimzi

    Selling  Closed!

    (Note : is crossposted in discord) Shes gonna be in boxes tommorrow! I'm after offers now so I dont gotta frantically look tommorrow I gave her one nurse's outfit, but other than that shes pretty original She was from a nook mile island and this is a natural move out as well so no glitches...
  7. zimzi

    Selling  Winter mitten

    I legit forgot I own em, not really into the collecting scene I'm looking for bells so I can buy from the shops later down the line
  8. zimzi

    United States Lf stitches !

    Locking so I can bump my og trade post
  9. zimzi

    United States Lf stitches !

    Bump for stitches!
  10. zimzi

    Selling  Spring Cleaning!

    (Please like or note so I can get a response! I'd prefer to do a quick drop off.. my fc is also out of date so dont add the one on the side) Need to stash my flowers somewhere before new horizons, since my activity is gonna drop and i dont wanna have to keep dropping by to water .. I got...
  11. zimzi

    Looking to complete Series 1-4 US

    Been lf 356 ! I got 253 if you wanna trade? (Just pm if you do)