Recent content by YaBoiobZ

  1. Y

    Looking to sell some fruit.

    Ok I will add you
  2. Y

    Looking to sell some fruit.

    I have apples and would like to come over to sell them in your town. Anybody with a town other than apples as native fruit willing to let me come over?
  3. Y

    Can I come over to sell fruit.

    Ok i am adding you now.. thanks - - - Post Merge - - - Ok Added. I am just waiting for you to add me back and open gate.
  4. Y

    Can I come over to sell fruit.

    I have apples so I need to sell them in a town that is not native to apples. Anyone?
  5. Y

    I really need to sell fruit. Anyone?

    Haha sounds good Ireuna add me and open your gate and ill be over in a bit.
  6. Y

    I really need to sell fruit. Anyone?

    Flavia I am going to add you as well
  7. Y

    I really need to sell fruit. Anyone?

    Oh sorry I went to the gym bcuz nobody was responding. Ireuna im going to add you
  8. Y

    I really need to sell fruit. Anyone?

    I need to visit a town that has native fruit other than apple. It wont take very long. Anyone?
  9. Y

    I need to sell fruit!

    Lol did you mean to send me home? Lol cant you save without doing that. - - - Post Merge - - - I can come over again if u want lol
  10. Y

    I need to sell fruit!

    I added you but I dont see your gate open.
  11. Y

    I need to sell fruit!

    Ya all I need to do is sell dont worry. Add me ill add you. Thanks
  12. Y

    I need to sell fruit!

    My native fruit is apple so I need somebody with a fruit other than aple to visit just for a few minutes to sell fruit. Can anybody help me out?
  13. Y

    Come to my town!

    I dont think we can bring you OUR perfect fruit. It will die if you plant it in a town that isnt native.
  14. Y

    I Need More Friends

    Add me. I am looking for friends whos native fruit isnt apple so I can sell them. I will add you. - - - Post Merge - - - Dexter would you like to add me?
  15. Y

    Need to sell perfect apples!

    Ahh sorry I was doing something lol. I got you added now.