Recent content by Resi

  1. Resi

    What happened first? 1,000 posts or 1 year on TBT?

    I haven't hit either yet, but I'll be hitting my first year before 1,000 posts - mainly because my ACNL playing is very inconsistent (a week of full play, then maybe 2 months before I play again.)
  2. Resi

    Cycling Fukaichi's offer to adopt cycling! [New: Biskit/Boxes: N/A]

    Yep! I'll put you down :) Also, morning bump!
  3. Resi

    Cycling Fukaichi's offer to adopt cycling! [New: Biskit/Boxes: N/A]

    Yep, I'll list you down! Also, night time bump! I'll be doing to bed for now, but I hope I can get some moveouts while cycling tomorrow.
  4. Resi

    Cycling Fukaichi's offer to adopt cycling! [New: Biskit/Boxes: N/A]

    Another bump! I'll be going home today, so I'll be able to actually start up this thread.
  5. Resi

    Cycling Fukaichi's offer to adopt cycling! [New: Biskit/Boxes: N/A]

    Another bump! I'll be going home today, so I'll be able to actually start up this thread.
  6. Resi

    Cycling Fukaichi's offer to adopt cycling! [New: Biskit/Boxes: N/A]

    Good morning bump!! I'll be doing a little bit of cycling today.
  7. Resi

    Cycling Fukaichi's offer to adopt cycling! [New: Biskit/Boxes: N/A]

    Ken is now in town! - - - Post Merge - - - I'm done cycling for today; Biskit will be moving in tomorrow. :)
  8. Resi

    Cycling Fukaichi's offer to adopt cycling! [New: Biskit/Boxes: N/A]

    Yep, that's perfectly acceptable! I'll put you on the list, thank you so much for visiting!!
  9. Resi

    Cycling Fukaichi's offer to adopt cycling! [New: Biskit/Boxes: N/A]

    Okay, I'd like to believe we're open now! I'm not at home right now, so I won't be able to actually host any adoptions until I get home. - - - Post Merge - - - Thank you for visiting my cycling thread! ;D I'll put you on the list for Ruby.
  10. Resi

    Cycling  Fukaichi's offer to adopt cycling! [New: Biskit/Boxes: N/A]

    Hello, and welcome to my cycling thread! This is my first time cycling, so critiques and help are appreciated! I have decided to make this thread an "offer to adopt," meaning that you are free to offer however much you'd like! I still have the right to turn down your offer if I feel it isn't...
  11. Resi

    Please take my survey!

    That's good! & Thank you! Thank you!
  12. Resi

    Please take my survey!

    Yep! Luckily I got a day extension ;;; Probably because I did what I've seen other people do - I've never had people shuffling the songs until I did this survey. And that's okay! I want a wide results, so it won't damage it too much. Thank you very much! I needed 100 people (started with...
  13. Resi

    Please take my survey!

    Sorry, something was auto enabled to not allow people to take it! It's been fixed now!
  14. Resi

    Please take my survey!

    I need some survey results for math class, and I waited till the last minute to get them ;; Please take this survey really quickly! (If your age group isn't there, please do the closet one.)
  15. Resi

    Games You Regret Buying

    Pokemon Alpha Sapphire. For whatever reason, I wasn't as interested in it as I was with X/Y or any of the previous games. It's been quite some time since I purchased it (I preordered it, actually) and I just am not bringing myself to finish it. I have a few badges, but...I just can't do it.