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  • Oh wow thank you so much, that really means a lot. I played a ton of new leaf, and never really like my towns, and had to keep ressetting. It was very upsetting. But this game, is so limit free, and has so many possibilities, that it all just felt right. I was inspired by many things, like my childhood city, and places ive been on vacation, and it feels like a safe space, thats what i love about Animal crossing <3
    You are welcome to visit anytime, i love sharing my island with others :)
    Clean, neatly laid out town with open design. Very generous, giving spirit.
    thank you so much for your kindness with everything, you really are a nice person!! ^^
    Thank you so much for the fruit, the tools and the stuff, It was real fun having you over and you've been more than generous :)
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