• Guest, can you feel the love in the air? Valentine's Week at The Bell Tree has begun with a new mini-event featuring four activities to enjoy -- new and returning collectibles are up for grabs! Dive in to the love here.

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  • like the gloveless mario drawing you sent me on swapnote. are those his hands? or is he still gloved? whats that in the bottom left corner, mario's gloves? oh, his hands fiery?
    Lol seriously? I post on my phone so I can't see post counts or join dates or even the background of the page, I just really love animal crossing.
    Hey Master C! I got some gold, orange, purple,pink, and black roses. Now, all I need are the blue roses and my rose hybrid collection shall be complete! And then, it will be on to the next of the flowers! Also, Saharah has finally came back, but when I gave her the Turban, she gave me a Red Vase. As much as that vase in itself is very beautiful, I want the massage chair. So, I thought it would be a good idea to reset the game and say no to her and then give the Turban in hope that the result would change to the massage chair. Unfortunately, that didn't seem to be the case. :( Thus, I had reset it again so I could keep my Turban and hopefully she'll give the massage chair later.
    One of my goals is about to be checkmarked already! I got a black rose now, and now all I have to do is let it wilt! Wee! Oh yeah...and Marina's moved. :( Oh well, I got her picture, so that only means I get to have a new villager come to the town!
    I got Marina's and Agent S' pictures at about the same time. The White Feather is finally in my hands! Now, I need to SAVE for the Rainbow Feather...Then, All I have to worry about is
    -Getting the massage chair from Saharah
    -catching all fishes and donating them to the museum
    -Getting golden fishing rod from catching said fishes.
    -catching all bugs and donating them to the museum
    -getting golden net from catching all said bugs
    -buying all non-counterfeit paintings and donating them to the museum
    -get a black rose hybrid and turn it into a gold rose!
    I donated enough to get the Purple Feather...now, all I need to do is get the white feather and then I'm saving up for the rainbow feather!
    Please view The Official Pokemon Mystery Dungeon RPG thread and read the last few posts.
    Hey, MC! Roscoe has given me his picture, and I donated so much that I am gonna get the Red Feather.
    I just made a bar code pattern/design and it looks great! I am also trying to persuade Marina into not moving since she's a pretty cool villager.
    I got 2 million bells! Now, I'm gonna spend it all on my mortgage. Then I am gonna try to get 6 million and spend it on donations.
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