Recent content by KittyKawaii

  1. KittyKawaii

    Giveaway Eggs n stuff

    Hei. Do you want both?
  2. KittyKawaii

    Giveaway  Eggs n stuff

    I don't really want my egg collectibles anymore, so if you want one, its first post first serve. In say something really embarrassing that happened to you? idk.
  3. KittyKawaii

    last person to post wins

    <(._.)/ I see a winner!
  4. KittyKawaii

    Rate their collectibles

    10/10 Way better than mine :s
  5. KittyKawaii

    Buying -

    Which egg were you looking for?
  6. KittyKawaii

    Edit the username above you!

  7. KittyKawaii

    Describe the signature above with one word

  8. KittyKawaii

    Hey, I just want to say thanks for your blog post. It is kinda inspirational, in a negative way.

    Hey, I just want to say thanks for your blog post. It is kinda inspirational, in a negative way.
  9. KittyKawaii

    Do you play any instruments?

    You don't have to be a musical genius or anything. I'm not, but I play some piano. Do you play anything? It'd be cool to know! Singing also counts.
  10. KittyKawaii

    Red vs Blue

  11. KittyKawaii

    Thoughts about the Hunt?

    It was very fun, and I think I did an okay job. However, it's very addicting to try and find the eggs, and I wasted my whole day yesterday trying to find them instead of socializing at a family reunion. I think everyone can agree it gave a good brain challenge though...
  12. KittyKawaii

    I'm sorry

    I'm sorry
  13. KittyKawaii

    Red vs Blue
