Recent content by jadetine

  1. jadetine

    Sketchbook (share your daily/random doodles!)

    I have really been enjoying Dungeon Meshi (Delicious in Dungeon) and decided to pour myself into a fanart piece. I had the idea after laughing at Laios singing the siren song off-key and thought having the party depicted as a punk band would be fun. As you can see, I have a two-point...
  2. jadetine

    TBT's Earth Week 2024: The Natural World - Winners!

    Oh 100% I meant to say that it was a beautiful shot and I totally forgot. My street doesn't have trees that tall and so there's not as much shade cover as I would like, so I usually have to visit an official park to get this kind of view. I would love for this view to be accessible to me at any...
  3. jadetine

    TBT's Earth Week 2024: The Natural World - Winners!

    WOW, I can't believe my blurry beach shot was worthy -- tyty for the vote and I absolutely loved this event! It was really in the spirit of Animal Crossing to go appreciate nature. I looked up the creature from my photo and determined they are called "Goose Neck Barnacles". Neato! But also kinda...
  4. jadetine

    Selling Sheep Plush, Balloons, & Sakura

    As much as it pains me, I have to admit that my crystal / star frag lineup is rarely used, so I will immortalize it here: I can date trade you my white star frag, dated Sep 15, 2020 at 10:04 PM Eastern. LMK if you want a message!~ I would love a message on mine, it can be totally random or...
  5. jadetine

    TBT's Earth Week 2024: Hybrid Flower Breeding & More!

    I will miss this event; such a great way for the community to uplift each other and spread beauty and happiness!
  6. jadetine

    TBT's Earth Week 2024 - The Natural World

    I saw these cute barnacle things that washed up on the beach and thought they looked cool next to the sea foam and kelp. 😃
  7. jadetine

    TBT's Earth Week 2024: Hybrid Flower Breeding & More!

    omg how much time is left? Omg omg 😱🙏
  8. jadetine

    Renn's Fingerpaint Art! 👉👈

    That is SO flattering, thank you! I was already having a pretty good day, but this makes it one of the best! Art is so satisfying-- and I'm glad you host the holiday exchange every year. Thank you for being here! 1714173149 I also forgot to drop this frantic animation I made for @/Kevinnn I'm...
  9. jadetine

    🎂 Renn's Art Bakery! 🧁 [Catching up with the Queue]

    Ahem, let's hope the fact that this was posted last September doesn't mean that you've disappeared into the ether... Here's a quick flat-colored Solange! (She has the most beautiful colors!) I mixed my favorite elements from the two costumes in the gallery. PM me and I can send you a...
  10. jadetine

    TBT's Earth Week 2024: Hybrid Flower Breeding & More!

    Time for some morning watering~
  11. jadetine

    TBT's Earth Week 2024: Hybrid Flower Breeding & More!

    My daily routine has me cycling the same 3-5 people in conversation, 2 of which are small children who are still impressed with the missing nose routine... so I will take any social interactions online that involves a mature brain reacting to what I'm saying, lol. It's my lil dopamine shot to...
  12. jadetine

    TBT's Earth Week 2024 - The Natural World

    This sounds idyllic and I would love to have running access to a beach😭 what a lovely sunset (though I don’t envy that it was cold enough to require long sleeves)! 1714079950 The sky counts as nature? 😉 Even macro photography up close to a single plant would work… it’s a quick 80tbt!
  13. jadetine

    TBT's Earth Week 2024: Hybrid Flower Breeding & More!

    I think any time I post to this thread is going to be the most reacted-to post in my time here. The pings are crazy enough that I have to muzzle cephalobot…
  14. jadetine

    What Are You Happy About Today?

    I posted some artwork to a new Discord and a stranger said this: I am so proud 🥲 what a huge ego boost from just a few words hahahahhaha
  15. jadetine

    TBT's Earth Week 2024: Hybrid Flower Breeding & More!

    0/3? Am I doing this wrong? This event mimics my real life gardening skills too closely. :( I feel attacked. :whistle: (Realizes flowers are plastic)...