Recent content by heihei

  1. heihei

    Selling Cycling town Majestic - Amiibo card requests - OFFLINE

    Yeah sorry, not sure why I'm having the error. I'm ready for one more go.
  2. heihei

    Selling Cycling town Majestic - Amiibo card requests - OFFLINE

    Ok cool, just finished TTing someone out. adding FC and dropping TBT now.
  3. heihei

    Selling Cycling town Majestic - Amiibo card requests - OFFLINE

    Can I request Rolf? Series 3, #293. Is 20 TBT fine?
  4. heihei

    What is your town theme?

    Currently a jumble of notes. One day I'll actually decide on a nice tune. Oh woops, was thinking of the town music theme. My theme so far is basically none. Will get on it once I'm all set with bells and such.
  5. heihei

    What season is your town in?

    Autumn, I go by the current date.
  6. heihei

    I asked my dad to pick me up an AC:NL amiibo..

    My parents would probably just pick at random.
  7. heihei

    Starter Villagers!

    The ones I started with were Rosie, Merengue, Timbra, Samson, and Tom.
  8. heihei

    What ordinance do you use and why?

    Wealthy, currently pretty poor.
  9. heihei

    The one creepy thing, (or slightly creepy) you noticed your villager do?

    I thought it was pretty strange that Francine told my character to try to be a bit more daring by wearing a dress. Of course, playing a male character.
  10. heihei

    Which Animal Crossing character are you?

    Wasn't there a thread like this like yesterday or so?
  11. heihei

    Least favorite villager species?

    Probably Anteaters.
  12. heihei

    Which Animal Crossing character are you?

    I'm a villager, you're a villager, we're all villagers!
  13. heihei

    Villager Discussion: Stella

    Cute villager, she's all right.
  14. heihei

    What are YOU most thankful for in the update?

    I like the initiatives for the coupons and the campground.