Recent content by food_and_mysteries

  1. food_and_mysteries

    What Did You Accomplish On Your Island Today?

    I grinded out 33 houses from 15 to unlock the room design app on my rec center/RuneScape based character. I'm pleased on the one hand and grumpy on the other because the only reason I did it in a day was because my insomnia was keeping me up, but acnh did help me get to sleep in the end. :). I...
  2. food_and_mysteries

    Little Things Some ACNH Players Might Not Know

    Omg so that's where Celeste was, thank you!
  3. food_and_mysteries

    Do you craft or buy tools?

    Is it because I'm not as far along as you all? Or because of the nutty way I play? Or because I am not good at making bells? Or because of the infernal closing time of nooks cranny and my struggling odd sleep cycle? I always need bells! So I craft all the cheapo tools (ex- axe, shovel) and...
  4. food_and_mysteries

    Fantasy Life thread

    I'm a big fan of the 3ds ver and have been waiting for the new switch ver to come out for ages
  5. food_and_mysteries

    Do you ever get overwhelmed with NH?

    I used to get overwhelmed just as you described yeah. I played NH before new leaf and the loud music, so many dailies and decorating such a large space and the orders when I have a terrible memory and can't use notes was really overwhelming at first (I was time traveling). Now it still is but...
  6. food_and_mysteries

    Which villagers are most likely to commit tax fraud?

    Does it have to be a villager because why do I have a feeling tom nook is avoiding taxes via legal loopholes and Redd is definitely committing tax fraud?
  7. food_and_mysteries

    What Did You Accomplish On Your Island Today?

    What a lovely thread! I learned some Japanese and made a little rock garden on the rock facing out to the ocean on the north side of the island! I also helped Gulliver out. .... digging for clams is painful when my beach is this jam packed with spare flowers 😅