• Thanks for playing! The closing ceremony for TBT World Championship 2024 has been posted. Congratulations to the winning team, Squirtle Squad! Update: The Master Ball raffle winners have now been announced and rewards have been distributed. Time to spend your Arcade Tokens!

Recent content by FallChild

  1. FallChild

    January Drawing Competition

  2. FallChild

    January Drawing Competition

    lol what is anatomy, what is shading, what is decent quality If you look very closely, you can see mini-Lobo giving big-Lobo the bird
  3. FallChild

    SOPA Parody "CRAP"

    Excellent. Now do your homework. (give me a little credit, or your kneecaps will be questionable)
  4. FallChild

    Ridiculous people

    I guess, but my friend has been called gay so many times that he's just sick of it. I've been called a couple things, but not to his extent. Not to mention my school has pretty bad bullying issues.
  5. FallChild

    Ridiculous people

    http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/01/11/girl-scout-cookie-boycott-transgender_n_1199260.html?ref=tw She's a terrible orator. Sort of unrelated, but a couple of my friends and I are starting an anti-derogatory term campaign. Any ideas on how to get people to listen? Because nobody in my school...
  6. FallChild

    Gif War

  7. FallChild

    Weekly Poll 11#: What Contury are you from?

    AMURICA. LAND OF THE FREE (if you're not muslim, gay, or various other minorities)
  8. FallChild

    How much do you procrastinate?

    Pretty awful. But nobody seems to notice that I cut corners soooo
  9. FallChild

    What are you reading? What do you want to read?

    Wee Free Men and I need to finish/find the Hot Zone.
  10. FallChild

    Christmas Eve Extravaganza.. or something.

    It's be cool if the IRC was a little more lively. I'm all for it.
  11. FallChild

    What are your holiday traditions?

    We don't normally do much, but for New Years we make really long noodles. We azn liek taht.
  12. FallChild

    Remember Toonami?

    Well. This brings back memories. Specifically memories of beating my brother up to get the remote because I wanted to watch hamtaro or something.
  13. FallChild


    Broken rechargeable batteries.
  14. FallChild

    US Congress Rules Pizza as a Vegetable.

    United States Order of Business 1. Is pizza a vegetable? Yes. 2. Let's censor the internet. 3. How much wood would a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood? ..... 47. Deficit 48. All that other bad stuff
  15. FallChild


    dead batteries