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  • Do you have a preference on what kind of pokemon you would like? I have a few in other bank balls, a few with egg moves, a few with hidden ability, and a few with my OT ID and the spanish tag.
    Did you decide to just head to route 1 to catch a pokemon or are you actually in the prime of a playthrough.

    If it's the second, do you need any help with that?
    Sure, I need to find a gen 7 game of mine that still has one and then I can add you for the trade. I'll take whatever you decide to give me in return. :)
    Hey would you want to trade pokemon lets go exclusives? I don’t have any of the pikachu ones yet but I’ve gotten all the evee ones. My pokedex is almost finished.
    I’m ready to go. Feel free to start up anytime. Send the code you want to use via PM.
    Just letting you know I got an Alolan Meowth for you. :) Best time to trade for me will likely be around 7pm tomorrow. Let me know if this works for you. ^_^
    Awesome and no rush I’m actually at work right now anyways and will need some time to double check that I have all the exclusives for you. I’d love an Alolan Sandshrew. I haven’t gotten an Alolan Vulpix yet but I know I passed the person in game who will trade me one so I can easily go back and do a trade to get you one.

    Will you be available later tonight? My time zone is EST.
    Still looking for Pokémon Let’s Go exclusive Pokémon? I have Eevee and am also looking to trade for the exclusives. Just let me know. :)
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