Recent content by blackgoldfeesh

  1. blackgoldfeesh

    BJD Ball Jointed Dolls (Den of Angels)

    Ohh wow, I know this is an old-ish thread but didn't think I'd find BJD owners/enthusiasts here! I've been in the hobby for 10 years now! Took a long break from it but slowly getting back into it :) I have 11 dolls right now; I tend to purchase dolls from Volks, Luts and BlueFairy :D
  2. blackgoldfeesh

    Cycling ★ Boy Scout Cycling ★

    D'aww :D That's sweet!! Glad she's settling in well <3
  3. blackgoldfeesh

    Cycling ★ Boy Scout Cycling ★

    You're most welcome! She's adorable indeed ;w; <3 --- Mint has been adopted! - - - Post Merge - - - Well, that was quick! Francine the Snooty Rabbit is moving out! Cycling will be put on hold while I get my hands on the SO's or a friend's 3DS to transfer XD;
  4. blackgoldfeesh

    Cycling ★ Boy Scout Cycling ★

    Alright! Please add my FC and I'll open my gates :D Search for Feesh
  5. blackgoldfeesh

    Cycling ★ Boy Scout Cycling ★

    Yes, she is :D Would you like her?
  6. blackgoldfeesh

    Cycling ★ Boy Scout Cycling ★

    Ahaha, good luck!! --- Eugene the Smug Koala has moved in! Also, last call for Mint!
  7. blackgoldfeesh

    Cycling ★ Boy Scout Cycling ★

    By right, Hound00med has Francine reserved for me from a trade we did (my Flora for his Francine), but since Francine has appeared in my cycling town, his Francine should be up for grabs? :) You can lurk at his cycling thread.
  8. blackgoldfeesh

    Cycling ★ Boy Scout Cycling ★

    Francine moved in! :O Ahahaha, sorry guys, she's mine =w=; And from my main town... Mint the Snooty Squirrel is moving out!
  9. blackgoldfeesh

    Hey! Francine appeared in my cycling town XD So you don't have to reserve Francine for me...

    Hey! Francine appeared in my cycling town XD So you don't have to reserve Francine for me anymore. Please think of Flora as a gift, you don't have to give me anything for her :) So sorry for causing any inconvenience!
  10. blackgoldfeesh

    Cycling ★ Boy Scout Cycling ★

    Ahh, sure thing! Off the auto-void list she goes :D
  11. blackgoldfeesh

    Cycling ★ Boy Scout Cycling ★

    Sylvia has been auto-voided. Chevre the Normal Goat moved in! Alrighty, guys. Off to bed ;w; Good night, everyone!
  12. blackgoldfeesh

    Cycling ★ Boy Scout Cycling ★

    You're most welcome! <3 So glad it has made your day, do enjoy her :D - - - Post Merge - - - Aww, good luck guys! Hopefully the next one to leave is Stitches :)
  13. blackgoldfeesh

    Cycling ★ Boy Scout Cycling ★

    Aww, sorry about that :( Wish I have more of her to give - - - Post Merge - - - Alright, hopefully it doesn't happen now. Gates are opened :) - - - Post Merge - - - Merengue has been adopted! Let's try one more move-out before bed :)
  14. blackgoldfeesh

    Cycling ★ Boy Scout Cycling ★

    Aww, that's good to know :) Please add my FC and I'll open my gates. Search for Wright. So sorry about that :( Hope you find Merengue soon!
  15. blackgoldfeesh

    Cycling ★ Boy Scout Cycling ★

    Sorry, guys. I was taking a pic for my TPC ^^; And vintage-rabbit, so sorry but it says no where that your dreamie is Merengue :( (No where that I can see, that is). Considering that, there's less than 3 people interested in her with proof, so she goes to vexnir! :)