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  • depend how much someone over on acc ( animal crossing community) offered the ice series i wasnt planning a aution
    Dude I'm going to have to TT back to keep him in my town please reply and come and get him!
    Before I give him to some one else for free!
    Umm some one offered me muffy for moe I don't know what I should do should I give you him for free or give him to that guy for muffy one of my dream villagers! Oh and I have my gate open again he is moving today so hurry up!
    Dude someone offered me Agent S so you can have him for free oh and he is moving today lets get this over with!
    Moe is leaving my town on the 26th he just told me! do you have room for him? Because I'm willing to TT for you!
    I guess I will stick with Daisy but do you know any good ways yo lose a villager?
    OK but who all do you have for trade you said other do yo have agent s or muffy? Oh and my town is full at the moment.
    I have Moe I'll trade ya for Daisy! My friend code is 0018-0868-0887 write back if we have a deal of and how dose the trading work? Oh and I see you said others do you have Agent s or Muffy I really would like have at least one of them if not then Daisy is good!
    I have Moe I'll trade ya for Daisy! My friend code is 0018-0868-0887 write back if we have a deal of and how dose the track work?
    Sorry lol I been busy lately if you are free and want to WIFI then sure I am up for it x3.. Just let me know once you open up your gate ?...
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