WiFi Feedback Question


Child of Light
Jun 18, 2014
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I have a question about WiFi ratings (I wanna ask this so I don't get in trouble):

Is that only if someone behaves poorly while in your town, or can it be used for a transaction that never got off the ground because the other person didn't read my posted rules?

Let me explain: Just a short while ago, I had created a thread to sell a villager who was moving out. Someone posted and said that they would buy her, then didn't respond for about 10 minutes. After I was about ready to cancel the trade, they said they had stepped away from the computer, so though I was starting to get annoyed at this point (as it was approaching the time I said I'd hold the villager for before voiding), I said okay and that I'd add their FC.
Another 10 minutes goes by with no response, and after they didn't add me back, I finally gave up and said that it's past time that I'd keep the villager, and I'm putting them up for adoption again.

The person first asks if I can hold them longer until they get out of school (despite that, on my rules, I clearly stated I'd only keep the villager for an hour since posting). Then, after I responded with an annoyed explanation on why that's unacceptable, they edited their post which resulted in it looking like I was being a jerk to something innocent they said (and making me wish I had locked the thread then and there rather than be nice and give someone else a chance to pick up the villager).
Oh, and in the edit, they even mentioned that they would have picked up the villager on a different 3ds, so their listed FC wouldn't have mattered, anyway...but failed to give me that FC when I told them in the thread I was adding their FC.

Now, I'm really, really annoyed and (rightfully so) pissed off. I want to give negative feedback because, honestly, that was the worst to-be trading experience I've ever had, and I run a cycling town. Not only did the person obviously not read my rules, but they even edited their post in which they had asked me to hold the villager longer to make me look like a bad guy.

However, I just want to be sure that I'm allowed to give the negative feedback (mostly for just not reading my rules, not giving me the right FC, and not telling me they couldn't pick up the villager immediately) before I do so (cause honestly, I'd tell my friends never to trade with this person, and will not accept any posts they might make in my cycling town due to this experience with them).

(I should be offline now, but I want to ask this now; also, though I didn't include the username of the person, if anything in this post shouldn't be here, or this should be taken to a moderator, I'll edit it. I just wanted to fully explain the situation).
As infuriating as that is, I fear getting a negative wifi rating more than anything and some people just have horrible luck with that kind of stuff. Getting negative wifi ratings really puts the one who has it in a spot where everyone can and most likely will question them and not have any trust toward them during trades.

Stuff happens, you know? :(

I would only give a bad rating if some jerk were to scam me
can't they also give you negative feedback in return? i'd be afraid of that as well, despite the fact that i didn't do anything (if i was in the situation).
can't they also give you negative feedback in return? i'd be afraid of that as well, despite the fact that i didn't do anything (if i was in the situation).

Nope, revenge raters will be punished accordingly. Mods can also see edits, so they can either revert it or just inform you that they know the edit. Best thing to do is to blacklist them privately and tell cyclers about them privately.
Nope, revenge raters will be punished accordingly. Mods can also see edits, so they can either revert it or just inform you that they know the edit. Best thing to do is to blacklist them privately and tell cyclers about them privately.

very good to know, thank you.
Nope, revenge raters will be punished accordingly. Mods can also see edits, so they can either revert it or just inform you that they know the edit. Best thing to do is to blacklist them privately and tell cyclers about them privately.

^ Solid, practical advise there. But I do understand that you have more than enough reasons to be upset, as the 'buyer' did not hold up or go through with their end of the trade, to say the least. Cost you wasted time and a sale. Instead of immediately leaving a negative rating (which could be argued as a revenge rating), perhaps you would consider reporting the incident to a mod, as they can see the edited posts and all, while privately blacklisting certain members, and avoid/refuse any future dealings with them.

Sorry to hear what happened. Hopefully your next trade would be much, much smoother. :)
Thank you for all the feedback! I'm glad I didn't just leave a response; I was worried about a revenge rating as well as if it was even allowed to give someone negative feedback for a failed transaction. I also didn't want to leave a comment in anger, since I know that people don't always think clearly when annoyed. That, and "the spectator in chess can see what the players cannot", hence why I asked about it.

I'll just let it go and never trade with the person again, or let them adopt from my cycle town. It is good to know that revenge ratings aren't allowed in the case I ever do get scammed by someone (hopefully will never happen).
So sorry to hear that happened. Sounds like a real annoyance. I would sleep on it and then PM an admin to ask for advice. We can really only commiserate here.
Editing their post sounds very shady. I'd just do what you've already said you're doing, don't try to let them adopt someone from you again.