Why We Game

I think you nailed it. I can't really think of any other good reasons... An escape from the ordinary is definitely why I play.
I agree as well. A good game can do the same wondrous thing a good movie or book can, release your mind from the humdrum of daily tasks and get your blood pumping with something totally unique! Excellent article Bul!
That was a good article. I think pretty much everyone can say that they play video games just to get away from chores, homework, etc.
Great write-up Bul. I agree with you completely.

My wife complains when I get home from work before her and start to play games. As she walks in the door to realize that I'm immersed in a videogame, she groans. I've repeatedly told her that after a long, hard day at work, losing myself in a game is a stress reliever. In fact, no matter how frustrating or hard a game may be, or how easy for that matter, it still relieves the pressure that builds up at work all day. Whether I'm playing Picross DS or MP3 or Illusion of Gaia or Tetris, I'm getting much needed relief.

It is my escape. Some people go to alcohol, others to pornography, and others still to drugs. I go to videogames. Now I know that some may try to use that against me and say that I'm addicted to games (which my wife will agree that I am not addicted to them), but I don't think that it's the same as the other "stress relievers" mentioned before.

I feel that losing your mind into a game can actually benefit you. Much like reading a book stimulates your imagination, playing a game actually puts you into that imaginary world. And while the 2 are not quite the same, they bring the same effect to your mind.
To me gaming is a way to get out of my life for a short time. Now I can do the same with a book and do on occasions, but games also involve things like puzzles and strategies (or strategery whichever you prefer)

Games also show a physical representation of a world like movies do. Although in this you are the deciding force on whether the world is consumed by darkness or not.

Games let my mind get off of what it was on. great in between different subjects of study.

You can overindulge, just as in anything you can do. Hey you can work out too much, you can sleep too much, you can drink too much water.

Anyway I also like video games for what they can become. As games get more advanced you get closer to having true virtual realities, where you can be anyone or anything in a world with limitless boundaries. I sure as heck would love to make a game feel as real as a dream can be someday.
DemiseofGanon said:
Great write-up Bul. I agree with you completely.

My wife complains when I get home from work before her and start to play games. As she walks in the door to realize that I'm immersed in a videogame, she groans. I've repeatedly told her that after a long, hard day at work, losing myself in a game is a stress reliever. In fact, no matter how frustrating or hard a game may be, or how easy for that matter, it still relieves the pressure that builds up at work all day. Whether I'm playing Picross DS or MP3 or Illusion of Gaia or Tetris, I'm getting much needed relief.

It is my escape. Some people go to alcohol, others to pornography, and others still to drugs. I go to videogames. Now I know that some may try to use that against me and say that I'm addicted to games (which my wife will agree that I am not addicted to them), but I don't think that it's the same as the other "stress relievers" mentioned before.

I feel that losing your mind into a game can actually benefit you. Much like reading a book stimulates your imagination, playing a game actually puts you into that imaginary world. And while the 2 are not quite the same, they bring the same effect to your mind.
Well, addicted to games is way better than addicted to alcohol. I wouldn't call myself an addict, but sometimes when I'm extremely stressed out I hit the bars.
Several reasons. If you suck at everything else (a good example is a guy that sits behind me in Health class :r ) or just to get away from hassles of life.

I personally have it as to do something when the isn't anything else to do. A time burner mainly. Other than that, TV, going over a friends house, homework/studying.