Splatoon Weapon Reviews


Mayor Bluebell of Leaf
Jun 30, 2015
Pear (Fruit)
Hello fellow Inklings! I've been playing Splatoon for awhile as a roller. I've lately been thinking about what it's like to play as other weapons and what their weaknesses and strengths are that we can't see. So I have decided to test, battle, and learn about all of them! I figured some people would want a guide. I will be posting in the comments my personal review of the weapon. I will keep adding as more weapons get added. I will also in the future talk about stats, and various stages. I would love a few words from you guys and what you think about various weapons, stats, and stages! Just post in the comments below! :3

~Have Fun Inking!
Gold Dynamo Roller User, MelodyMagics (Devin)

Splat Roller

Special: Killer Wail
Sub: Suction Bomb

Notes: Fast "ground-hit" melee. 1 hit plow and melee.
When using the "ground-hit" move, small amounts of ink
fly out. Moves faster than other rollers. Covers the least
amount of turf.

Personal Experience: The Splat Roller was my second weapon ever. After using it, I never used a gun again. No Splattershot Jr. anymore. I felt a lot more comfortable and "higher-ranked" than everyone else. Just being able to zoom on a pathway and cover it fully made me feel like the "all might powerful one" of the team.. Until I was introduced to rapid-fire guns. That was the end of that dream.

Krak-on Splat Roller

Special: Kraken
Sub: Beakon

Notes: Just like the Splat Roller, the Krak-On Splat Roller
has fast "ground-hit" melee, 1 hit K.O. plows and melee,
with fast running. The only difference I noticed was when
you "ground-hit" more ink flies out. I'd say medium in
comparison to the Splat Roller vs. the Gold Dynamo Roller.

Personal Experience: The Krak-On Splat Roller is still my longest used roller so far. I used this specific roller right as soon as I unlocked it, took a little break to use the Carbon Roller (then realized I disliked a huge factor in that roller), then went back to using the Krak-On Splat Roller until I was level 16 and had unlocked the Dynamo Roller.