I need help with what I should put here!


Oct 21, 2013
Special Snowflake
Chocolate Cake
Green Balloon
Blue Feather
Blue Candy
Green Candy
Red Candy
Yellow Candy
Green Feather
The Bell Tree Fair 2013 Patch
I have this flower arch. I placed it here:
What should I put behind it? Please reply with your suggestions!
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Hmm. If there is enough space, perhaps a bench surrounded with some hybrids? So, a bit like a mini park thing, I guess.
Maybe a hammock? It's quite a small space, so it's rather limited what you can do with it. Or perhaps a little flower garden?
I'd say either a 1x1 or a 3x? Public work that's a bit more artistic (the topiaries would work but only from weeding day) so that something shows through the centre of the arch, then surround it with flowers. I think it'll look like a classy garden with a walk through entrance. :)
a bell might look nice, surrounded by hybrids? (by bell i mean the pwp) as close to the fence as you can get it so theres room for a little flower path.